[Harbourvale City] Airport Express Line
Map of the Airport Express Line at AE1 Stadium.
Welcome onboard HCRT's Airport Express Line. The train you are on is bound for (4) East Harbour station, from (3) Stadium. The route is heading Eastbound. Features of this line is the new full height platform screen doors at Stadium station, Exhibition Centre station and Airport station. Rail And Travel Information System is also available on this line. Also, special timing signboards are placed at all four stations on the line.
This line is powered via the third rail. The train that frequently goes on this line is "131-132". You can also use other trains like the C651 or the C751B. Gradients are also seen on this line.
Developer: Nickgoh45
Co-developer: yellowflip999
AEL v1.02 (03/10/10) - http://www.4shared.com/file/wTRayowG/Airport_Express_Line_v102.html
C151: 131-132
Route release history:
Developers' Release: 22/06/10
First release: 27/06/10
03/10/10 Release - Full height platform screen doors, RATIS, timing signboards, new advert boards.
[Old post below, before edits]
Okay, so maybe I started on this a little too quickly... I am already starting works on the Harbourvale Airport Express Line. I have not completed much, but I already inserted one announcement only. So, for the "Doors Closing" announcement, I would want to ask jcqh for the c651's klaxon1's chime and buzzer. I won't be taking the whole announcement, because I already recorded "Doors Closing" verbally and will insert it in. The map of the HAEL is here:
Nice! Fully underground?
Originally posted by joeyfjj:Nice! Fully underground?
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:
Not exactly. There will be some overground sections, but all stations will be underground. I estimate that the total distance of the line will be three to five km.
I'll recommend
Exhibition Centre
Harbourvale Airport
East Harbour
Finally a high speed 100kmh subway? :D
It's more preferred that C830 be the default train (variety), but you know, the train hasn't been done up yet.
Originally posted by yellowflip999:It's more preferred that C830 be the default train (variety), but you know, the train hasn't been done up yet.
The train will only been developed in June.
Originally posted by Bryanwee1:The train will only been developed in June.
Ya I know that.
Originally posted by Bryanwee1:The train will only been developed in June.
Bryanwee1, my priority seat image... :D
Use C830 for third rail. Unless using OHLE.
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:Okay, so maybe I started on this a little too quickly... I am already starting works on the Harbourvale Airport Express Line. I have not completed much, but I already inserted one announcement only. So, for the "Doors Closing" announcement, I would want to ask jcqh for the c651's klaxon1's chime and buzzer. I won't be taking the whole announcement, because I already recorded "Doors Closing" verbally and will insert it in. The map of the HAEL is here:
This looks like a very nice route to run on(I was inspirated by the title)
Originally posted by kenneth1228:This looks like a very nice route to run on(I was inspirated by the title)
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:
Isn't that a bit too... uhh... nvm... Does anyone have a "Doors are closing" sound? If so, please let me use it! I'll give credit!
The doors closing sound can find anywhere, since you are a Singaporean, go take your HP and then put at the speaker when the doors open at any station, then wait till it sounds.
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:As of now, I can’t get out of the house. I’ll try doing it when I’m coming back from school
OO, then when you record you must place your HP Speaker on the PA System(If you are tall), then record when the train doors start to open, then when it sound, make sure there isnt many commuters talking if not it will affect your recording. Then cut out the part when the doors closing was sound for one start to one end.
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:Why don’t I just ask Willis for his c151’s klaxon1? Isn’t that much more easier?
Ask lorh, his one is HQ.
I have a high quality C651 Doors Closing Announcement. LOL!
Ok yellowflip999, please uhmm.. send me the file at nickgoh45(a)hotmail.com . You will be given credit, lol
Mod note: Do not post e-mail addresses directly. Replace '@' with something similar to prevent bots from picking up the e-mail, and using for spam.
I think Willis didn't see your post...
Okay, so here are a few screenshots of Stadium (AE1). Credit goes to Samuel Lee!
Yes, I know, I'm trying to do the sign but it sucks...
Give your comments, lol...
Do you have any destination numbers? If you do, I could make some signs for you.
Originally posted by yellowflip999:Do you have any destination numbers? If you do, I could make some signs for you.
Oh, yes. East Harbour is 4. Stadium is 3. If you can make it, then thank you very much!
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:
Oh, yes. East Harbour is 4. Stadium is 3. If you can make it, then thank you very much!
Here you go, if you want, I can make some station signs with the chinese name too. (But you have to provide me the chinese name)
Originally posted by yellowflip999:
Here you go, if you want, I can make some station signs with the chinese name too. (But you have to provide me the chinese name)
I think the first and the last one have the "3" and "4" put wrongly.