Originally posted by Nickgoh45:Okay, so here are a few screenshots of Stadium (AE1). Credit goes to Samuel Lee!
Yes, I know, I'm trying to do the sign but it sucks...
Give your comments, lol...
Welcome. How come u r using a C151 V0.6? (Coz I see only ATS)
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:I think the first and the last one have the "3" and "4" put wrongly.
What thing? East Harbour is 4, Stadium is 3.
Originally posted by yellowflip999:What thing? East Harbour is 4, Stadium is 3.
No, the first and last image, where the 3 and 4 should have put nearer to the arrows.
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:No, the first and last image, where the 3 and 4 should have put nearer to the arrows.
Oh isit? Aiyah, nevermind one, this is called "Unique" and not "Copying"
Originally posted by yellowflip999:Oh isit? Aiyah, nevermind one, this is called "Unique" and not "Copying"
Hope you don't mind, I'll be modifying the images (the first one and last one), just as Samuel Lee pointed out.
Here are some very minor updates... Thanks to yellowflip999 and Samuel Lee.
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:Here are some very minor updates... Thanks to yellowflip999 and Samuel Lee.
Actually, the signs are supposed to be that "height", not fully stretched.
Sorry for the crappy images and crappy angles, it was a preview of the Bishan PSD a few months ago.
Originally posted by yellowflip999:
Actually, the signs are supposed to be that "height", not fully stretched.
Sorry for the crappy images and crappy angles, it was a preview of the Bishan PSD a few months ago.
Okay, so here's another tiny update: (Yes... I know it sucks...)
Once again, thanks to everyone who made this possible.
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:Okay, so here's another tiny update: (Yes... I know it sucks...)
Once again, thanks to everyone who made this possible.
It dosen't suck, it looks nice with PSD's, but I think the arrows should be abit thinner and the line fatter(LOLS)
I figured out that if Samuel Lee could help me out with animating the psds, then my route would "go an extra mile for commuter service". So, anyway, if he (or rather you, if you are Samuel Lee reading this) doesn't (or don't if he is reading this) want to help me, then it's fine too.
Originally posted by kenneth1228:It dosen't suck, it looks nice with PSD's, but I think the arrows should be abit thinner and the line fatter(LOLS)
Is this better?
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:Is this better?
Yes, its much better than the previous one, the line should be around 5% bigger(Not the arrows) But it looks very nice already! XD
Finally, I finished creating my own (Do you call it RATIS???) "TV".... Here are some pictures:
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:Finally, I finished creating my own (Do you call it RATIS???) "TV".... Here are some pictures:
Haha, it looks soo cool, I just wish to see 2 sides of PSD Doors on NSL and EWL Underground Stations( Which hasn't been done)
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:I have two pieces of good news and a piece of bad news. Bad news: Routebuilder has unfortunately “delected” my grid, and it is impossible to continue routebuilding without a grid. That means I’ll have to start from scratch again. Good news: My newly created objects are still available in my folder, so I don’t have to create the objects again. Even good news: I have just completed coding a triangular roof for Harbourvale Airport station. Stay tuned for more updates.
Lol Another Inside Joker DELEcTED
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:I figured out that if Samuel Lee could help me out with animating the psds, then my route would "go an extra mile for commuter service". So, anyway, if he (or rather you, if you are Samuel Lee reading this) doesn't (or don't if he is reading this) want to help me, then it's fine too.
Animating the PSDs? What had happened? I found out that "people have misused my PSDs" such that it become crappy and dont work as intended. (JKJK)
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Animating the PSDs? What had happened? I found out that "people have misused my PSDs" such that it become crappy and dont work as intended. (JKJK)
I understand what you mean. The PSDs are also placed at very wrong positions and I didn't add in a lot of stuff that is meant to work with psd.ANIMATED. So, is it totally impossible to animate your PSDs in my route?
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:
I understand what you mean. The PSDs are also placed at very wrong positions and I didn't add in a lot of stuff that is meant to work with psd.ANIMATED. So, is it totally impossible to animate your PSDs in my route?
Not sure, maybe try this, u PM me, and I try send you the pre-release of the next FHPSD.
Well, at least from what I saw on my version, all 24 doors could open close. The only issue is the opposite platform, unless you meant the ones that opens on the left, which I admit, might be a bit crappy and should be fixed by this pre-release. (Available only to PMing)
Woots! Finally completed my photorealistic triangular roof! But I decided not to use it for Harbourvale Airport, I'll use another type of roof instead (slanting roof) just like Changi Airport!
Here are some screenshots: (Okay, I admit, that pillar looks dumb... I was just only experimenting...)
Yes, the brick texture came from the void deck below my block and the pillar is from the sheltered walkway beside my house. The front is obviously from Paint.
Originally posted by Nickgoh45:Woots! Finally completed my photorealistic triangular roof! But I decided not to use it for Harbourvale Airport, I'll use another type of roof instead (slanting roof) just like Changi Airport!
Here are some screenshots: (Okay, I admit, that pillar looks dumb... I was just only experimenting...)
Yes, the brick texture came from the void deck below my block and the pillar is from the sheltered walkway beside my house. The front is obviously from Paint.
No, its not dumb, be confident ley, confirm got people admire the ROOF(EVEN I AM)
Originally posted by kenneth1228:No, its not dumb, be confident ley, confirm got people admire the ROOF(EVEN I AM)
In that case, I thank you for your indirect compliment! =)
Update! The triangular roofs have been fully completed with pillars! Yeah! (I'll say that I think it looks nice too! LOL!)
How does it look?
Route used: Routebuilder's howto island platform