may i know if porn is allowed in sggirls? can someone please remove these porn pictures from sggirls? thank you
can someone please reply? thanks
can, lame.
why not u remove urself from sggirls?
which porn pic?
sggirls where got porn pic
parn or porn??
Originally posted by GIB:parn or porn??
wat is parn
Originally posted by Iamhere91:wat is parn
parn is porn spelt wrongly
parn is shit
seeing the word parn is as good as seeing the word shit
wats the big deal? porn only wat...
i am only asking if porn is allowed in sggirls? so is it?
mai ani kuan lah...
whether its allowed or not , what is it got to do with you?
that is because from what i know, porn is not allowed in sggirls
Originally posted by youyayu:cannot.. later got
wah lan this one very long liao leh....
Originally posted by Hanagata:wah lan this one very long liao leh....
still consider ma.. lol
Clone Alert!
wah sggirls got that picture of some girl called faith ong? someone link it i want see.
swee swee ^^ nth to say post more of the pic la
Originally posted by youyayu:cannot.. later got
lol cute pic