Originally posted by Ends Of Time:yaya ENJOY!!!!!!!! juz look out for groups of 5-6 attitude pple hanging ard in sch.
Yup! Not knowing each others identity is half the fun - the other half comes from finding out who's who!
[b]Current Biggest Enigma: Who in the world is domyoji33???
If she is Mdm L. then I THINK it must be the same person...Originally posted by domyoji33:DOes her surname starts with a leter "L"???????? hahahahhah this is soooooo interesting!!!!! Ok.... to me she's a total bitch.... she openly "flirt" ard with the guys in our class.... wear dress with slits.... sits on the table to show off her legs ( as if she has long slender legs....) ARGHHHHHHHHH to mention her makes me boilllllllll
[This message has been edited by domyoji33 (edited 07 August 2001).]
hahhahahhahaa okok it the same person!!!!! she is rare sial...Originally posted by ahanis:If she is Mdm L. then I THINK it must be the same person...)
The coolest of A6 is here!!!!!Originally posted by domyoji33:they are juz too attuitde to come online ... hahahhahahaa i sleep , eat n very lazy hehehehee a cobination of all though.
Ur home tutor is a nice chap , he's my econs teacher. But i hateeeeeeeeeeee my home tutor.....
You're a little late!Originally posted by REdundant:The coolest of A6 is here!!!!!
haha~ am I a lil' late or wot...
hehehehehe redundnat..... alway enjoy looking at guys kekekekekekeOriginally posted by Ends Of Time:You're a little late!
Sheesh! Now I haveta figure out who REdundant is too! (Stressed)
Well. don't bother.. I am the lowest profile A6.. hahaha~Originally posted by Ends Of Time:You're a little late!
Sheesh! Now I haveta figure out who REdundant is too! (Stressed)
Hmmm...a clue...Originally posted by domyoji33:hehehehehe redundnat..... alway enjoy looking at guys kekekekekeke
No matter. Your profile couldn't be as low as mine...hee. =POriginally posted by REdundant:Well. don't bother.. I am the lowest profile A6.. hahaha~
...........Originally posted by domyoji33:hey end of time , i already know who u r.
haha.. argeed!~Originally posted by domyoji33:hey end of time , i already know who u r.
dun u worry.. we hve much more pp 4 us 2 'look out' for.. rite gals?Originally posted by Ends Of Time:That's just so not fair...
(I feel like I'm being watched)