Dear Ning,
I am very glad to track you down here. You must be one of the Sintercom forummers missing the suddenly disappearing Sintercom forum. I have made some discovery and am pleased to keep you informed that our good forummer friends have shifted to - can also refer to the information from the youngpap forum website on postings pertaining to the Sintercom forum. Miss*Respectable has mentioned about you too - may cut and paste what I have typed above, else individually type them. If you are unable to get into ypap website, go to Yahoo website and type under the search column "young pap" and it will lead you to the website as well.
I wish you happy and united with Sintercom forummers sooner. In case you wish to participate, you need to make a quick registration. Also, Ning, if you come across any Sintercommer who gets lost like yourself desperately seeking others, please keep them informed of these two websites too.
Warm regards,
Tracking Sintercom forummer - Keeping in touch