more affectionately known as... tHe eXtrA-oRdiNaRy eCCenTriC PaRanOid BiTch wiF thE PaiZaBor aTTiTudE (that happens to love prata...and Quickly PearlTofu)
Fireice: hey where got, i always give u allowances mah...i think u like to spend $$$.. :p
Originally posted by KTE:
You also go there and spend is it?
No. I poor man where can afford to go such places?
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
Originally posted by Inzaghi:
Mill: no lar, earn more than spend more.. :p
Sure or not? I don't think so. :p
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
Mill: u keep track of my cash netflow meh???
I got much better things to do.
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
Mill: then dun KPO here.. :p
HA HA HA, Inzaghi has got you Mille, HA HA HA!!!
I don't kaypo here. I kaypo else where.
hurhurhur hurhurhur hurhurhur
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
Mill: go KPO to ur g/f lar.. :p
I no need to kaypo her to her. She will come kaypo to me. :p
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
Mill: then dum p her lar, u no need a KPO g/f right???
Everytime ask me to dump her. You seems to hope I dump her hor?
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
Mill: cos i think u deserve some one better...always chose the same pattern, end up the same outcome!!!
You seems to look very lowly on people.
Well to me, I feel that I am the one not good enough for her. Even if I know the outcome will be same, I will still go for it. At least I share my happy moment with her.
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
Chek Ark lah Inzaghi
------------------ I am American Badass??? Dunno leh got people say i got attitude problem which is similiar to an american punk biker.
I think you should stop going after K**** also. She not suitable for you. hurhurhur
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
How can say until liddat you cheeken. She is perfect ok. Rich, Pretty, Understanding and most importantly I love her.......
------------------ I am American Badass??? Dunno leh got people say i got attitude problem which is similiar to an american punk biker.
That mean you not suitable for her lar. I see many example also, wait you end up same as them. hurhurhur.
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
Dun woryy love will never die
------------------ I am American Badass??? Dunno leh got people say i got attitude problem which is similiar to an american punk biker.
You want love don't want bread type is it? Cannot lar, must see qualification also. Must have qualification that match you know? hurhurhur
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.
No need lah. She uni grad but i can earn more den her can liao
------------------ I am American Badass??? Dunno leh got people say i got attitude problem which is similiar to an american punk biker.
Cannot. Now everything must see paper. Must find someone that match you in everything. If not you can ask her to go fly kite. hurhurhur
------------------ I don't want to let you down. I don't want to lead you on. I don't want to hold you back. From where you might belong.