more affectionately known as... tHe eXtrA-oRdiNaRy eCCenTriC PaRanOid BiTch wiF thE PaiZaBor aTTiTudE (that happens to love prata...and quickly bubble tea)
Originally posted by FireIce:
ehh... i m safe... cos i m inzaghi's daughter..
You heng ah,heehe
------------------ Theory Of Relativity Eating a lot of good food will make 1 hour seem like 5 minutes while eating lotsa horrigible cooked veggies will make 5 minutes seem like 1 hour
~~~ Waiting for Diablo 2 Add-on
FireIce: u're the only daugther i have..
Of course wrong lar.
------------------ Never say I love you if you dun really care. Never talk of feelings if they aren't really there. Never say forever if you ever plan to part.
Mill: what's wrong....
Being bad to me is wrong.
------------------ Never say I love you if you dun really care. Never talk of feelings if they aren't really there. Never say forever if you ever plan to part.
so i m the Zhang Shang Ming Zhu Qian Jin Xiao Jie..
but hor... dad have too many mistress.. next time his assets and fortune have to share wif them..
hmm... >goes to plot how to get rid of daddy's mistresses<
more affectionately known as... tHe eXtrA-oRdiNaRy eCCenTriC PaRanOid BiTch wiF thE PaiZaBor aTTiTudE (that happens to love prata...and quickly bubble tea)
Inzaghi only dote on his daughter and sisters,heeheh
------------------ Theory Of Relativity Eating a lot of good food will make 1 hour seem like 5 minutes while eating lotsa horrigible cooked veggies will make 5 minutes seem like 1 hour