erm , i try to come after lectures lah, but no promises ok? and will just pop by onli. bo lui liao.
SeCrEts: Where exactly is Amiran's cafe?
------------------ JuzTheGal, JuzHer, JuzMe.
Originally posted by Churra:
SeCrEts: Where exactly is Amiran's cafe?
you know liang seah street? the street opposite bugis MOS burger leading to beach road united artists cinema there? along that stretch is amiran's cafe.
somewhere near the java beans that stretch ah?
we meeting for DINNER? or juz those cafe finger foods?
ignore me... I aM jUsT aN eXtrA-oRdiNaRy eCCenTriC-pRoNe PaRanOid BiTch (that happens to love prata...and quickly bubble tea)
yes, its near java beans.
no, its not the same lane as java bean.
yes, its called Amiran's CAFE.
no, it does not just serve finger food.
yes, it serves normal dinner, western style.
yes, it serves coffee.
yes, its size is abt a small cafe.
any more questions folks?
Secrets: i dunno where the hell is this place????
SeCrEts: I know where liao. And i think it's the lane from Wayang Cafe rite? But, will it be open on Fri? Can accomodate so many pple?
One last Question, will u be going?
------------------ JuzTheGal, JuzHer, JuzMe.
churra: hmm.... there r a couple of eateries there, so should not have problem finding one even if Amiran's is packed. Anyway, lotsa other places @ bugis right? V8 cafe, billy bombers, terra cafe, .......
ah, i try to go? can't confirm though.
So how issit coming along?ehehe
------------------ Theory Of Relativity Eating a lot of good food will make 1 hour seem like 5 minutes while eating lotsa horrigible cooked veggies will make 5 minutes seem like 1 hour
~~~ Waiting for Diablo 2 Add-on
You street directory is it? Next time got fatty outing you organise.
Ask so much you want to go is it?
------------------ Never say I love you if you dun really care. Never talk of feelings if they aren't really there. Never say forever if you ever plan to part.
Aiyah, go anywhere also can lah. Hey, this Rebellyon guy also coming or not Churra?
SeCrEts: V8 not open tat day. As for the rest, i dunno...
------------------ Theory Of Relativity Eating a lot of good food will make 1 hour seem like 5 minutes while eating lotsa horrigible cooked veggies will make 5 minutes seem like 1 hour
~~~ Waiting for Diablo 2 Add-on
Churra: will confirm with u later in the day if i'm going...
ruthie: yupz, of coz u can cum...bring ur kim jio also. haha