hahahhahahaha, then when would u see me wor? *gRinz*Originally posted by Inzaghi:Secrets:
no need lar, i sure recognise my sisters one...but must after i see u lar.. :p
wahhhhhhhhhh inzaghi how many 'sisters' u have altogether ar??Originally posted by Inzaghi:Mill & Moose:
what's wrong when seeing me....i now i short fat & ugly oldman...but u both no need to suan me until like that mah....
and stop bully me little secrets, if not i sure kabish both of u.. :p
what happened? share share. cheer up okie? smile smile.Originally posted by Inzaghi:Mill:
but having too many sisters also can have retribution at the end..
now i kanna liao...
Kena what retribution huh?*Moose kpo mode auto on* heheeOriginally posted by SeCrEts:what happened? share share. cheer up okie? smile smile.
like they say, girls are emotional creatures while guys r logical ones. *shrugz* dun really agree, but what the hell. maybe this girl is confused herself abt her feelings. maybe she really likes u but is unsure of how to respond. or maybe she dun really like u but dun know how to let u know. there are all sorts of "maybes" and u just have to act what ur heart says. anyway, its better to have tried and reached a conclusion (be it good or bad) than not to try and not know conclusively right?Originally posted by Inzaghi:Mill & Secrets:
are gers all very emotional...one day can show u happy face, the other day can show u black face....
can't figure out what's she thinking man..ignore me all the way...she really got some problem...