It took me quite a while to do the tests.. But.. Here're the results to all 4.. 1 of Siaobell's and 3 of Churra's.. Please do tell me if any of them seems wrong ok? Smiles.
SiaoBell's Test.I scored 40pts. Somehow seems low compared to others who have replied. But this is what it said about me.
People see me as a sensible, cautious, careful & practical. You see me as a clever, gifted or talented but modest. I'm not a person who makes friends quickly or easily but is someone who is extremely loyal to friends I make and I expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really got to know me realise it takes a lot to shake my trust into you. But equally it take me a long time to get over it if the trust us ever broken.
----------END--------------Churra's first test.This is going to be rather long.. (sighs at the amt she has to type)
I'm bright, honest & likable. Make friends easily and rarely get bummed.
I got a rep for being entertaining and fun.
I'm always the center of attraction.
I'm a true romantic, when in a relationship, I work hard at keeping things mushy. I believe true love is forever. Although I don't admit it, I want my guy to care about me.
I'm dying to pick the right person.
I'm not interested in a superficial relationship. Once I meet someone I'm really into, my love runs deep.
Education is less important to me than the world beyong. Secretly, I might be dying to start a career and a home of my own.
I have a realistic attitude towards a future profession. Because my feet are planted firmly on the ground, I'll probably rock at whatever I pick.
I'm a little afraid of failing. Taking that first step towards reaching a goal is the most intimidating to me. I'm scared of things that are often beyong my control. So to make up for it, I sometimes go on a heavy duty power amperage.
(What this means???)I'm mature and honest. I believe in speaking my mind and people rely on me to provide a sensible viewpoint. However, I may come across problems in future that I have to solve with my heart and not my brain.
---------END--------Churra's second test.I scored a total of 30pts.
I'm tweety, I'm cute and everyone loves me.
(Is this true?) I'm a best friend that no one takes the chance of losing. I never hurt feelings and seldom have my own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. I'm witty and calm most of the time. Just keep free of backstabbers and I'm worry free.
-----------END------------Churra's third test.I chose d)Hair. (Yesyesyes, I wash hair first)
I'm the artistic type.
(Don't think so..) Daydreaming is my hobby but I can achieve what most people cannot. Dedication is lacking but I'll work tirelessly towards goals which are to my liking. Money is not important. Friends are only but intellectuals and fellow artistic types. I make the best sex partner as I'm the most willing to explore and please the other party.
(Wahahaha!!!) Talent is my main strength. My best partners in life would be those who choose a)Chest and e)Privates.
[This message has been edited by keyi (edited 23 November 2000).]