im 14 turning 15 this year, and there is this guy i know online and have nvr met him b4 in real life ...
i met him thru a game called dota (defense of the ancients) he is also a professional gamer known thru the world .
i seen his photo's online and i had conversations with him before in game . (his photo)
i realised i have actually kept thinking about him day and night
even when he calls me to stfu i actually enjoyed the attention i got from him... and would keep thinking about him... theres just this weird feeling about me towards him ... we are not really '' friends '' but we play tgt before
am i like bisexual or gonna become gay?
i really hate to believe im gay if i really am
it depends on where it takes you...
if it comes to the point where your heart pumps when you're with him then you're most prolly gay...unless maybe he is a she
i was reading and thought u are a girl, until i read that last part.
Wake up, you only admire his gaming skills you foolish boy!
lols i was shocked too
OMG!!!! gunner77 in the making
Look what games have done to the society
you should seriously see a doctor, really.
your condition is very bad.
go see a shrink
lol .... instead of constructive answers this is what sgf gives ?
what go see a shrink? its perfectly fine being a bi / gay lol
ur the outdated dude that shld go to a shrink
lol .... instead of constructive answers this is what sgf gives ?
what go see a shrink? its perfectly fine being a bi / gay lol
ur the outdated dude that shld go to a shrink
Originally posted by anekko:lol .... instead of constructive answers this is what sgf gives ?
what go see a shrink? its perfectly fine being a bi / gay lol
ur the outdated dude that shld go to a shrink
tat dude you're talking 110% fine and straight...obviously..u fuck girl's pussy and ass...not guy's...
damn it anekko. Well... lets say u like him. And you tell him. What do you think his reaction will be?
if he says YES. would you kiss him? If you would then....
if he says NO. and you feel sad.... then....
If he says I know! then...
y is this not in auntie agony?
i really hate to believe im gay if i really am
what go see a shrink? its perfectly fine being a bi / gay lol
Sounds contradicting eh, ur words? Ok, u are gay then since u said it's perfectly fine.
Originally posted by anekko:lol .... instead of constructive answers this is what sgf gives ?
what go see a shrink? its perfectly fine being a bi / gay lol
ur the outdated dude that shld go to a shrink
if it's perfectly fine to be a gay
then wtf did u start this thread for?
embrace ur new change
try imagine sucking the guy's cock.. if u like it then ur gay.. aiyah perhaps its just idolising.. hes like some kinda hero to u.. stop de damn dota and go buaya ppl's daughters lah..
Originally posted by anekko:lol .... instead of constructive answers this is what sgf gives ?
what go see a shrink? its perfectly fine being a bi / gay lol
ur the outdated dude that shld go to a shrink
dude, you play dota?
you should try to get yourself into the picture of how TS "like" that guy;
it's so simple to know if you're turning gay or not.
what do you wank to? pictures of hot chicks or pictures of hunks?
Originally posted by dinky1409:try imagine sucking the guy's cock.. if u like it then ur gay.. aiyah perhaps its just idolising.. hes like some kinda hero to u.. stop de damn dota and go buaya ppl's daughters lah..
buaya is?
Originally posted by anekko:
what go see a shrink? its perfectly fine being a bi / gay lol
Originally posted by anekko:
i realised i have actually kept thinking about him day and night
even when he calls me to stfu i actually enjoyed the attention i got from him... and would keep thinking about him... theres just this weird feeling about me towards him ... we are not really '' friends '' but we play tgt before
am i like bisexual or gonna become gay?
i really hate to believe im gay if i really am
First you say you hate to believe if you are gay, then you say its perfectly fine. I think the issue you have with yourself is not homosexuality.
Originally posted by anekko:lol .... instead of constructive answers this is what sgf gives ?
what go see a shrink? its perfectly fine being a bi / gay lol
ur the outdated dude that shld go to a shrink
Guys looking at girls backside = normal
Guys looking at guys backside = NOT NORMAL!!!
Originally posted by nightsky87:First you say you hate to believe if you are gay, then you say its perfectly fine. I think the issue you have with yourself is not homosexuality.
yea i can see tat its another issue...
If you can have sexual fantasy with him in your mind but not a sexy lady, you are gay.
If you can have sexual fantasy with him in your mind or a sexy lady, you are bi.
If you can't have sexual fantasy with him in your mind but a sexy lady, you are straight.