wtf man [xe]clan is the master of cheats!!. last time they use skin cheats then they use alpha cheats the see thru wall 1.then just now i dont know how the hell they did it but i will tell u wat happen.
me playing mansion wif this [XE]^_Cheater or watever his name was.then i ct he start i dont know how but hes invisible and he kill me in 2 sec like hes in my base i cant shoot him even tho hes there u cant kill him and hes invisible!!.then i run away goto the house then i can finaly see him but its not actualy him! its like a hologram i can run right thru him and i can shoot thru him but he can kill me!!! wif his gun!! man how the hell did he do IT?.we must ban all [XE]clan members from pacfusion servers and singnet servers.not only that a server called Singapore.but i have a felling that they r oledy banned from those servers i never saw them in pacfusion servers from long long time then yesterday i saw the same guy in a server called Singapore.dedicated they cheat like SHIT!.
A bunch fo Cheaters TO THINK They ask me to join their clan....damn luckily i Never agree...but how they shoot you if you are in your base????????? Oh man They are Super super cheater but I like to try the CHEATS IT LooKs FUNFUNFUN..... :p :p :p :p
One cant nv be too sure whether he is frm XE or not. Coz since XE is quite a strong clan in Singapore, if they play cheat and let pple find out, dun he feel paiseh?? And btw, I nv seen any one call cheater in XE. Probably a hacker lor. _____________________________________________ Shit! Out of ammo liao. Where's my knife??? No knife!!! Wad the *? Crowbar time!!
trust me im sure its the XE clan ive seen those kinda guys cheat before but they will only cheat in other servers like non dedicated and servers that arnt like pacfusion or singnet.but still ive seen 2 XE clan before cheating in a pacfusion server it was de_train and they were using see thru cheat.they were like hiding behind a box and they killed 2 guys about 50m away shooting thru that box man.and guys i got more bad news.after i met that XE clan guy and posted this new topic.i went to play cs again then i join a non dedicated server.thihs time it was the ]NR[clan they were using that cheat and they were beating up this guy called |Loser|.so guys be careful and i warn u guys.dont get raped by a bunch of cheaterz.o yes and PLZZZZZZZ STUPIDKID TEACH ME HOW TO DO THOSE FACES!!!.
Aiyoh I thought last time There is one Forum Where you post a Message With this Smile Faces
Hey ALL members "NOW WANT" we change our clan name to -|=|3D|=|-]ur.nick[- is this good ??
???? i tot disband and y 3D? come up wif a cooler name like -|=|3Dick|=|-]nick[- lol 3D too booring leh well thats wat i think...
???? i tot disband and y 3D? come up wif a cooler name like -|=|3Dick|=|-]nick[- lol 3D too booring leh well thats wat i think...we must make our names like a sharp name like Edge,twist,jab,swish or wat ever.think of a word we dont always hear everyday.
oi dun anyhow tok abt my clan ok .. how do u noe that that guy is really in [XE] ? GET YR FACTS RITE NEXT TIME ho7sho7
------------------ ~TeRrOrTuBbY~
wah terrortubby oso tok here i din know terrortubby know things like our site lol.and terrortuby i dun like ur clan anyways and i dun even know how u got qualified to get in!!!.i can kick ur ass in cs anytime dude.
ahahahahah hotShot you better respect all players man.... Even they are gd or not they are stilll cs_Players right..
ehh.......sia lah~ envy u all can play CS in internet sia~ i can't leyz~ have to frequent those lan shops~ keke~ hengz i house cheap cheap....$2.......~ heez~ ehh......wat abt those XE clans~?~? kinda chim sia~~~` they gd in cheating ahh~~? what abt skills~? gd or not~?
Did i heard [XE] wat is [XE] want to know they good or not ?? OiE XE want to have clan maych with us 6v6 place u put ok set !!??
last 2 wk we jio u all clan match then u all say call on sat then nv call btw we play as SOA
Hey Ho7Sh07 juz b cause u luckily MANAGED to get a few frags higher then me a few times dosen't mean u're better anywayz regarding the clan match i need 2 ask the rest 1st.
------------------ ~TeRrOrTuBbY~
when can u all clan [XE] challenge us i been waiting for soooooo long to challenge u all but u all din even reply
hahahah That TerrorTUBASS Is now in [XE]Trial forget about him Hey can I ask YouIs there a competiotion In E-Games at 26 of nov????
ahh shaddup ah stupidkid you're already so stupid i bet u had a headache just writing.I'm surprised u can even write ..Ohhh i know.... You've been going to nite skool rite ?
------------------ ~TeRrOrTuBbY~
Hey man.... Hahahahaha To think you get upset over this hahaha Night School??? Your English worst than I thought I suggest you go for night class instead.. You Writing Poor English up on the net... It Damage the Forum..
yaaaawwwwnnnnnnn okay guys im back!!!!! lol well terrorbathtub i suggest u dont join the XE clan unless u wanna cheat like u do in DIALO2!!!!! lol.anyways i have a feeling im im breaking off of u guys cus i neber meet u i neber tok to u well were tokin in forum but i dun even know whats going on its like bogus man.oh yeah terrorbathtub few frags higher than u????!! thats B.S!
I agree with stupidkid n hot shot. N by the way i thought this only for get your ass out here Opps i forget to introduce myself I am Ki||eR. I last time @ terrortubby
fucking nerds...i would rather fuck gals then play cs...i think you all got nobody to fuck..go fuck comp...
That is your problem leh.You want to fuck girls and is none of my business.But one thing I would like to say is my nick Nard cannot izzit your problem so in future mind your own business!