Hi There! I'm representing clan ]WtP[ (Winnie The Pooh) to challenge u guys, clan [C.com], to a friendly match. If u guys are game for it, Pls Confirm with me Via our clan forum also found in Sgforums or contact me at [email protected] . Thanks~!!
------------------ Make Peace! Dun DeStRoY IT!
hi we r also looking a match too can u make it tomolo saturday at egame???????? as for the time i not very sure u can call my leader ziyouren or jackson at 97932284 or icq me at 30551440 hope to u can reply ASAP........
Err... I dun think i can get ppl in such short notice.. A later date maybe???
------------------ Make Peace! Dun DeStRoY IT!
hello! me is a newbieee dun buwee me anyway this sat is not possible lah. me not free or would u like to make it on a fri evening? or on a sunday? reply soon! heee thanks.
oh by the way...can i haf a small request... can we dun haf it at E Games? hee anywhere but E games.. thanks
Errrr Guys.. Since we can't make it tommorrow, How abt next weekend?? pls reply thanks
------------------ Make Peace! Dun DeStRoY IT!
20th August(Sunday) 7v7 Venue: E-Games Time:2pm Each clan will choose one map. We have already chosen Milita as our choice. If everything is okay with u all, then i take it that the match is on?? Any problems just post back here
------------------ Make Peace! Dun DeStRoY IT!
[This message has been edited by DruGBeaT (edited 12 August 2000).]
Hmmm... so who is going to book the computer then ?? give me and answer ASAP ok thanx
Im the Leader of [*]C.com[*]
Can 6vs6 ?? The map we will tell u when we reach there my HP number is 97932284 can call me jackson or ziyouren also can..
6 on 6 arh? 7 on 7 lah! hee me discount 1 ..... u discount 1.... canz? keke
u all book comps lor any problem can page me at 95287485. thankie~
fri is sch day or holiday????
Err....I think it's a school day. Oh yeah, Babyelite is the leader of ]WtP[ So jus contact her if there are any problems
------------------ Make Peace! Dun DeStRoY IT!
i dun think we can make it at 2....coz my sch end at 2+++....... for the rest i not sure i dun think they got time
Oops!! SORRY SORRY!! 20th of august is a SUNDAY!! i repeat..SUNDAY sorry
------------------ Make Peace! Dun DeStRoY IT!
Hmmm.. you say we book i dont think so becoz u all chio us 1.. and we are not Egames members so can u guys go and book...
Sure i can book the coms for u all. But How many vs. how many??? can make it 8 or 7???
------------------ Make Peace! Dun DeStRoY IT!
i think the best is 6 vs 6 lor coz team1 got 6 only lor if u really wan then u call ziyouren n ask him lor i not leader i only a very lousy players...............
kaoz....who heard of 1 team 6 pple one? its either 8 or 5 wat....hmmmz.... be more flexible lor... since we proposed it... then u all juz add in 1 more player lor...surely u all haf that extra 1 person rite ?
Err guys... Pls confirm with me how many ppl ASAP.. thxs
------------------ Make Peace! Dun DeStRoY IT!
Guys i only can put 6 ppl down only so if you all dont mind.. On 20th rite.. you guys book rite then set liao ok see you guys there... thanx
ermmm what abt the rules? and the maps? we decide or wat? ok..we set the venue and time lah...20th August Sunday at E games 2pm kayz? the maps and rules we confirm again. thanks seeya guys there
yo peaceboy! remember me? play wif u quite often on the net.... anywayz me no longer in =MsC= liaoz..quitted..sigh.. but me now in ]WtP[!!! but i not playing the match against u all lahz...but i will be there~! so see ya all on sunday~! =)
ok then set huh the rule things when we reach there then tok ok thanx !!
ermm sorry ah...i realised something.. we haven decide on the maps...can decide on the maps 1st? hee then the rules we tok abt it on the day okayz? thanks