[This message has been edited by []GLT[]BotakBeckham (edited 31 May 2000).]
[This message has been edited by []GLT[]BotakBeckham (edited 31 May 2000).]
Camping it's okay but dun camp too much.
The way u guys played is abit too much camping,i think if u guys chiong,ur skills won't lost to us
[This message has been edited by []GLT[]BotakBeckham (edited 31 May 2000).]
Botak Kia...... I dont care if u got hair or no hair...... Since my clan leader tinks u all sucxs...... U are the suckiest sucked that ever sucked a suck...... Be gone and dont let me meet u on net...... Coz I wont let u off...... u will be beaten to perhaps 10-0;p GLT izzit Galaxy's Taikoiest Teekia??? or izzit Greatest Lame Turtle U guess for urself...... Sorry, clan leader that I scold this pple. But they deserve it. :-P
Match is a match.. If we campe we have our skill of camping you all chiong have our skill people have diff.. skill you know
You sucks!! We played on your terms. You guys say wanted FF on, so we agreed. You guys didnt state it earlier and put it on last minute. Nevermind. We dont wanna say, all camp. Camp also camp until like. You guys more like shit
Oie everyone stop lah. Mai spam ppl's board liao. Win liao win liao lor. They also neber say anything after we won liao rite? I wasn't playing so I dun have the right to say anything lor but I hope everyone stop this ok?? A bit stupid fighting over a game rite?? Got a lot more things we all need to admin like training for matches, etc etc.. So Beckham, stop lah, dun wanna make GLT name Pia also rite?
Your leader didnt said anything about anything you guys agree on FF on.. So wat you prom.. to said we all sucx...
Do you know something, you said people sucx you sucx more ??
okay so everyone SUX lor ~!~
Ask not what your clan can do for you.... ask what you can do for your clan.
Si bei sian.y start all the sux here sux there again....the match is over-all a great match.We r all juz playing for experience rite?B4 the match every1 is friend friend wat.I see tat the sux sux thing is coz by some []GLT[]s posting.Apology and hope the friendship will not end here.
sincerely:[]GLT[] admin
ps:in case u all dun knw who i m,i m juz tat extra guy tat is walking here and there which is not skill enough to play with u all.
Thumbs up to dragonslayer...... Yup guys, I tink he is rite...... CS iz juz a game so let us not @#$%^&*() one another...... (especially u lor botak beckham -- dont KPKB) We all juz wanna gain experience lar...... Dont destroy each others reputation. PS: I'm the other guy who was grounded and ever get to play as my skills isn't up to it (Except on the net :-P .
hi guys, im from ]|R.I.P|[ i was there while both clans r playing, i must say tat both team showed great teamwork and personal skills & preformances... juz strive harder and work towards our goal, best CS team... p/s ziyouren, remember me?
haha.......glad to see everything is over.....may both our clan grow and get world known! :p
[]GLT[] Clan dam extra win or lose also so CB like you all no skill like that hahaha...
ehy....not all members are like tat 1 mah....at least i am not....haha\
Better.. if all your members are like that, realy suck man....
OOO Why there is sooo many Sucx !I'm From [c.com].When the war started at e-game i was there.I think that both clan skill is good just not much Team Work only!
Don't Scold liao lar Care to play again/?
------------------ I am the one who brought you up!