nominate 5 leaders. if ur team got MIA pple then too bad... I sticking wif derek...hehe.
------------------ Insignia Vertical Horizon There is no other...
SURE MAN I WILL stick will david all my life !! man!!! THE AK SQUATERS RULES MAN!!!!!!!
then i stick wif who? then cos i hands itchy, i deleted cs... now i install liao, cannot play super regret... then now is PLEASE when derek @@ this, can u pls help me by coming over my house fix it?
ALL my life??
oh my god...... i pangsai u wanna go too>?? lol....
------------------ Insignia Vertical Horizon There is no other...
who wanna team with me?? sobsob
think stick to your oen legion la~~if your legion got too mani ppl mia then too bad hehehez
------------------ -=MC=-Koyo|B.e5| "Mess with the best, DIE like the rest"
liews.. but i wanna be wif toppy!! *sob*
------------------ Insignia Vertical Horizon There is no other...
Heck lah, got ppl play wif me i happy liao... who want me?
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hey... dun forget got me leh!! super porn guy!~! wahahahah siang want me? can i team wif cloud and rain?? me like their faces man!! wahhaha
Team wif mi.. I am the best.... I will promise peace land and bread for everyone.. Pls gif mi ur vote.. Sian.. I team wif destroyer he booked mi liao SO happy Can i team wif gers? If can than lose liao scold them
------------------ -=45th=--NewBie99-|A.e.1| I Sux? I am only a newbie leh
am i in it, can we dun pway at g surf, can i team up wif the char bohs?
------------------ i like pretty gers wif long hair and big beautiful eyes
Wa Tomie's first post after so long in MC.
Clap Clap Clap
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