First time tounched a bowling ball: 1992
Date started really bowling: Feb 2001
Date ended: Dunno....
First Bowling Centre went: Queenstown Bowl.
Highest leisure game: 259, Bt Panjang Superbowl
Highest toury game: 269, Victors Marina
Highest series: forget
Highest Ball speed: (did an action of moving hand left to right), so fast.
Highest swing: Just above parallel.
Deepest Board Bowl from: 32
Shallowest Board Bowl from: 1.5
Paw: Right
Style: Cool, opoos....Hook
Ball weight: 15lb.
No of steps: 4, now change to 5.
Style: eh...did I say Cool??
Favourite ball: Any ball that works on that set of lanes.
Favourite lane: Those with oil in the middle.
Favourite Bowling Ctes: Ehh...Safra Tamp, Chervons.
Favourite Bowling Kaki: Michelle, not
that Michelle, a Michelle u'll havent met before. (Who's that? For me to know..... u know the rest.)
Favourite Bowling Food: Do you know that u shouldnt be eating while u'r bowling?
Favourite Drilling: Pin 1 o'clock of ring finger
Favourite Pins: Pins that are lying down.
Favourite Pocket: 1-3
2nd Favourite Pocket: 1-2
3rd Favourite Pocket: My back jeans pocket (wallet inside mah)