Hello guys! End of our 1st ever CSC Planet Bowl league!
Tink everyone of us enjoyed ourselves in this league!
All thanks to our Captain Jae for holding Team BuzzSaw up!
Our first leg we finished 4th out of 16th, resulting a Prize of $200 !
2nd leg leh....we did not finish strong, but still in top ten though!
We finished 10th out of 16th, resulting another $250!
Our team also bagged Team High Hcp Series 3rd, resulting $50.
So total prize = $500 . Whether how this money is going to split, will let you guys know later. Our Captain also bagged Hig game of $40 with his 256 Game!
Now team members high and low games : hope no one mind me posting this!
HIGH LOW AVG No. of 200 games
JAE : 256 114 172 13
Wx : 226 121 172 10
Nick: 224 139 178 7
Hayden: 226 102 159 4
David : 245 140 174 4
Iggy : 204 124 162 2
Mage : 218 144 181 4
Hanz : 202 120 157 2
Tom : 201 99 153 1
So from this statistics, i hope we can gear ourselves up for next SEASon At Planet Bowl! Lets await Our Captain to say something!
Some memebers will be dropping out from our team and lets hope we can get more new "power" bowlers to boost our team!
Can someone Suggest our Team Name for nExT Season?
TeaM BuZzSaW RuleS! 2003 - 2004!