Originally posted by jae:
Sam saw my thumb, and he says that it's due to the nature of it, i curl my thumb far too much at the release pt, thus causing friction at the particular point.
Both you and I are guilty of crimping our thumbs, trying to squeeze the ball to death sometimes. Over time, that results in both abrasions at the top of the thumb (for me especially) as well as the front tip (in your case).
Tip: When our thumb is in the ball, it should be relaxed and straight. The only area of the thumb actually applying slight presure in order to hold on to to the ball should be at the bottom front (your nail would be considered "top back") section. Over time you will actually develop a callous which will allow you to do this without any discomfort.
If you feel you have to exert excessive force or crimp your thumb just to hang on to the ball, it's either way too loose, or it would be wise to get your ball fit examined. Absolutely no squeezing or you will ruin your armswing!!