Originally posted by Ian:
the lanes this time around looked different from the last time. i only looked at deamon and tom's lanes so i might be wrong.
patchy at the ends, oil on the outside and bonedry from 5th to 15board. the centre had abit of oil but not really enuff to make a difference to hook ball bowlers. the spinners should have had a good day.
pins as usual was light (duh) making splits galore for higher speed and forceful players wif heavy balls.
ding had alot of problems, forcing more and more each time he made a pocket shot and didnt get a strike. only the last games he got a better score as he tired himself out and slowed down the speed, enabling a better reaction at the back.
ever wondered y the lady bowler (forgot her name) was always top bowler? (after 1st 4 games anyway) her style is simple and relaxed, allowing for pin reaction. since the pins were light, it suited her perfectly. put her on cathay lanes and the result would be very different. try looking at the top bowlers bowl in the competition and get an idea of wat they do right, it would improve ur chances if u try to follow them or adjust from wat u learn.
just my 2 cents.
Well, its definitely different if u compare the oil conditions on sunday and the monday league. The league on mon, maybe, employ a so-call "house" conditions, and it makes scoring seems higher. This is becos the amt of oil is more, and enough to last thru the 3 games
For the classic tourny, the lanes become unplayable after the 2nd game. The 10th board which got me a 388 after 2 games suddenly cross 4 boards across 1-3 pocket, and that's the extent of how much the lane has dried up.
U are right to say 5-15th board has dried up. interestingly, 0-5th board is patchy, so playing the outside line does not allow the ball to snap back with energy to the pocket.
But after 2 classic tournaments, i have a clearer idea how to tackle the lanes. The 1st tourny, i was using power surge and pearl power. The recent one i was using piranha and rage(which is a 16lb ball). My educated guess is to use 3 balls and exclude the power surge. Piranha for 1st two games when lanes still got oil. 3rd-5th/6th game, use storm pearl power to generate more skid to skid thru the front end which, by then, has alrdy broken down.Last 2 game or last game use the 16 lbs rage and whack straight into pocket and hoping for high pin counts and sparing.The 16th lab shall be used with a slower speed to purposely take out the pin5.
But they are just my educated guess. won't know if they work or not. anyway, they are just my thots