Nothing against Brendan, but Ding is right. When you have Freemun anchoring the team like we had on Thurs, you know you have a lack of depth in the squad, anchor-quality. BUT, everyone who can play has already played (12 of us), and we can't make changes now.... so.....
Mage, our main "main man", is away charging mountains and digging trenches. Even James, whom we pin such high hopes on, managed to have an off-day from the first slot, much less the anchor slot. Problem also is we can't expect James to play all the time, he does have a shop and a business to run. Have to assume they are "out" most of the time.
Still very early, but right now our 3 leaders in terms of averages are:
1) Mage, avg 197 (3 gms)
2) Prata, avg 187 (6 gms)
3) WX, avg 181 (3 gms)
Fearfully enough, at last glance, Brendan was the dude with the lowest handicap after these 3, at 16
That should have changed from last Thurs results... think Jae could be least now. No wait... I'm not sure about Ding and Phua....have to go check.
( Been neglecting my Katong stats..... oops. More concentrated on the Classic one!
What does that mean? Lots of anchor practice for me and WX when we do play. I'd like to think that we can "hold our own" against most when we ain't too careless
, but certainly not against the top teams. Madness. Having James and Jay Soong at max handicap will help in a way, too.