I believe that spare shooting is more important than strike making, just as putting is more crucial than driving in golf. Sure, you get a higher score from strikes and it's flashier.
But remember the time you were unable to find a line
and at the same time, couldn't close frames to save your life?
Sparing is important. No... it's crucialSaid this before, saying it again:
shoot straight to spare. Still don't understand why bowlers want to hook it to the 10. I don't mean throwing a hook release, I mean throwing the ball on a hooked path.
I found that there's always that one more adjustment to make, to better take out that damn pin 10. All that change can't do much good for consistency...
Current spare template:
(taking into account right drift of 4, placement of 6, rightie)
Pin 10 - Stand 38, thru 20
Pin 6 - Stand 38-3=35, thru 20
Pin 3 - Stand 35-3=32, thru 20
Thomas Fox told me to do a torso twist (or
"the mechwarrior" ) and stick to that angle throughout the swing. Logically, the pin 10 would require a bigger twist around the waist than the pin 3, since the angle's larger.
Sorry if it's hard to visualise, dammit if only they let us draw in the forum...