you sat in the place for 8 hours to get it done?? gosh. must have been really boring.
I don't know if it's just me, but freemun has been censoring a lot of crap from his forum speeches. For a moment there, i thought he actually sounded like a *gosh!* human being!
What happened to the long, mindless droning of karma and enlightenment, punctuated by jun and zairings? The downturn must be REALLY taking a toll on you man.
I think interacting with normal people for his business has helped bring the space shuttle back to earth. Don't you think? Nothing to do the job better than a reality check with income on the line.
Surlyone, bestbest,...what do you think, I still feel that I'm zai zairing ah..the space shuttle would be reconfigure to become the hubble space Galileo and would be taking off in ard ah.. In the meantime..would be practising for the airgrinder ah best.