Cheer up ish!
Know that you are not exactly happy at this point in time
Just stay positive
Try to see the silver linings in the cloudy sky
Or think about the happy times we had together. U know, memories like these stays with you forever! Looking forwards to growing old with you. ahahah. Cheer up
Things will get better for you.
U know what, u really should join us this saturday for the gathering. Gatherings like this are hard to come by so don't let this opportunity slip by easily. Meeting old friends(well not exactly that old, since SIM'97
) to chat and do some catching up will be a happy and fruitful occasion. Really hope u can make it. Seldom see you since you have started work. Just go and enjoy urself and
Everyday is a special day, do something special b4 u end this day!!!
[This message has been edited by Ding (edited 21 December 2000).]