Best and surly one, I bet u guys out there are just as excited as I am pertaining to the 2nd leg of the Toure,.Okay neh ,b4 I cond't there are some pple I have to address to...Sou xian...DOinky, As we have discussed, I think after some consideration, I would not be overwriting the training on Thurs with the 2nd leg due to the several reasons due to time frame and training. But would make known to the rest during the meeting this Wed that the 3rd leg of the tour will be held next Thurs at Pasir RIs bowl at Downtown East, open to comments on admenments. I ve the good oppprtunity to approach some of the goodpple from the bowling club and they ve given me the assurance that they would come for the 2nd leg, right not Yvonne..heheh,.
To all the nice pple of TP93, you are most welcome to join us in this toure, I and the rest of the team look 4ward to seeing u guys there yah,best and surly one,
I've reserved ample lanes up till 7pm, free to extend.
DIngy and Lydia, Chuan, Sheila, Max, Tenshi, WXman, ANgeline, Saffry, Lilian, Choon Keong and co.,ANdrew, Plesident, Brian(better come, if not u c me, better siam, heheh), Good ol' Randoe, seasky, Sharon x 2,Ian,,/.. to all those I failed to mention, I sincerely apologised and rest assured that I will call you personally to inform you about it , yah, Bert, hope to see you there if you re not working, cheers man...Let me know if you have any queries or anything that is pertaining to the 2nd leg. Oh yah, quantex, I temporary cannot make it to this tues league, no tbecoz of this tour but got MSM at night in Schoolring, include me in next week yah,,,..Bu yao wen wo chong na li lai...liu lang liu lang ..liu lang....
Oxygen makes u high....