is informatics or sim better in terms of the IT courses they offer.any reasons for ur evaluation?
I think SIM is more towards the management side, while Informatics towards IT. I have gone through several IT courses from Informatics before, and have so far found it rather "not good".
If you're into just getting a cert, go for Informatics. If you're in for learning a program or skill, buy the program and learn it urself... you definitely save the money.
Sim... hmm, so far so good i guess. i'm from banking and finance though, heheh.
Sim does offer IT courses but it is mostly 4 part-timers. Moreover, if I'm not wrong, 4 the similar degree, other commercial sch. r offering the programme at a much lower cost. But Sim provides the best lecturers, facilities, materials n a superb library. So, the choice is up 2 u, lighthouse.