It's been quite some time since we had our little bit of hussle and how abt a get together again, though it may be diifff...but if we try it might work.....
Onz You Ah ! There is one on the this Thusday 13 July 2000 Ah , for dinner and then hor go Cheong to the Buzz Ah ! For more details please contact the Jason Ah.
Also Jason's Birthday is around the very corner Ah!!! So EVERYBODYs know what to do Ah!!! Long Long Time No hear from the Sabo . . . Elite . . . Team . . . Ah !
[This message has been edited by StandingUp (edited 12 July 2000).]
hi guys .. it is indeed been a long time since we meet up as a big grp .... however ... i am unable to make it for this outing ... enjoy yrself ... n do see u guys in the bowling alley soon !?! yeah ?!?! see ya n best regards to all
The Orientation program at Sentosa would be a great time to get together, surly one but not too sure how and who are the bowling club members participating in the event or the one held in school on the 17th, Doinky, care to update me? The buzz outing on 13th would be a of a mega scale one I presumed, judging from the number of responses the event has churned up, later continuing at Ridleys I heard? Whatever. Wishing a post happy birthday to Bro Jason and assuring him that there would always be a helping hand to nimble down those reluctant zip that bind the pants so securely together. May I suggest SIM bowling Chalet Pt2, musta musta, C'mon, its not even a trilogy yet. Depending on the initial response, venue otherwise would be of secondary concern, ain't it my dear friends---surly 1--Most of the guys are busy commited to their respective temping ventures henceforth a little escapade would be rejuvenating and exasperating- uuuummmmmppph look inside ur inner karma and listen to ur sublimal consiousness----feel the highness penetrating deep into ur archilles joint, further strengthening the ligaments, sending twingling vibes up to the epic centre of the unawaring soul uuuummmmmmmm
------------------ Oxygen makes u high....
Freemun... wow, tots alike leh! Few days back i was just thinking about having another chalet event cos the last one was so much fun! Venue wise i think to cut cost, Safra would be good. Perhaps we will have it just before sch term starts. So we can invite the Freshies to join us too.
Orientation... i'm not too sure who's going, but i'll be there on the 17th at the booth, so make sure u bring ur OG to take a look.
So how's life Freemun? Seems you're logging on everyday now... that's good.
How about Sijori resort at sentosa? hehe...
Just wondering how much that would cost.
Outing! Oh yeah! 1st week of sch re-open? 9th n 10th r public holidays, how abt. tt? Btw, orientation bowl is b4 sch re-open or after tt? $$$ shdn't b a problem, cos' most of us r working rite now.
Doink : Can check out the price if you are interested. Might have discount..?? hehe
jexx... check pls? tot we should have a chalet before sch starts for them, this way we can get to know them better??