Hi all, we've been invited to play with a team called TP93Niners.
Date is 19 August 2000; 6.30pm-10.30pm
Venue is Tampines Safra
Please tell me if you can make it. Help the liason to pass the message around too to Razers whom you may meet or talk to. During the holidays, its particular difficult reaching everyone due to work commitments.
Once again... thanks.
i am int ... but how much is it ?!?!
Email that i rec'd :
"Clarence ok the final details of the frenly is as folows 5 game for $20
prizes will be for 3category instead of 5,they are as folows:
1)game high series-scratch
2)men high game-scratch
3)ladies high game(depending on the number of ladies
bowling from both sides.)-handicap,ladies will have
handicap of 50pinfalls
*Please take note that there will be no trios prizes just individual prizes*
Venue will be at Safra Tampines Cathay bowl,
Date will be at 19 August 2000(Sat)
Roll-off at 6pm,check-in time 5.30pm
10lanes have been booked for this friendly.
please let me know how many people from your side will be bowling in this friendly so i can get my side to arrange for some light refreshments."