I've just stumbled upon this site n just wondering where u guys r from.
I know SIM conduct lotsa courses from various institutions. I myself taking the Open Uni program. I dunno whether I could participate in the BB as well.
hi jemig, Well, we're students from SIM/UOL course; some are in bankg & fin while others in mgt courses. Thanks for dropping by, and as always, i'm curious how you chanced upon our website? Definitely welcomed to join our activities, you can email any one of the Ex-Co people with your particulars and we'll keep in touch yeah? See ya!
i was browsing at one of the local whitepages that has a link to the sgforums.
so u guys had lotsa activities.
nice to get a reply from u!
Hmm, so i assume you havent seen our website? Do take a peep when u've got the time. the URL is http://play.as/raze Ta!
well doink .. i think that after viewing our page ... he/she will not only thinks that we r juat a bowling grp .... we do many fun activities as well too .. dun u agree??? anyway ... i will not b wrong if i says that we r a fun loving bunch ?!?!