Originally posted by Freemun:Ok pple,the solar panels are open and we ve contact, the new league is quite confirmed as of now....It will be a trios league with the venue at Tampines Safra. Will update this session as I acquire more details from the management.....surlyone
Simultaneously, there will also be another one at Yishun Safra., thats right cheonging two places..this one is secondary, no formal declaration has been made by the Yishuners whether they one to start a trios there...Vice versa,,U'll hear from me deem fit.
To the goodfellas involved, u know who u are and u know the drill.,let me know of ur comments , greivances and urges and I will try to satisfy them with my bowling balls,.,feel free to let me know if anyone is interested in joining the leaguer team....surlyonezzz...best of luck tru the exams and cheers...jun junring...