- Have you ever had "unprotected" sex (sex without a condom or other latex barrier)--oral, vaginal, or anal?
- Have you ever had sex with someone who was an IV drug user or had HIV?
- Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, or hepatitis?
- Have you ever had an unplanned pregnancy?
- Have you ever been sexually assaulted (raped, forced or talked into having sex when you didn't want to)?
- Have you ever passed out or forgotten what happened after you were drinking or getting high?
- Have you ever shared needles or other equipment to inject drugs or pierce the skin?
- Have you ever received a blood transfusion? (the risk is very low in the United States, but can vary in other countries)
- Did your mother have HIV when you were born?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be at increased risk of HIV infection and should consider getting a first HIV test or repeat HIV testing.