Originally posted by Raisin:
Hi, i have a toshiba satellite series laptop.
The 1st problem is that whenever it is being charged and i put it to stanby mode, it refuses to reactivte when i want it to. In the end, i had to switch it off but this is obviously not the solution.
Secondly, whenever i run norton disk scan, it tells me i have an unrepairable DOS disk boot sector..but my laptop seem to run fine other than the 2 problems mentioned above.
Pls advise..
try to upgrade your windows.. if not possible at least update it..
I cOnSiDeR MySeLf aN ExPeRt tOmAtO gArDeNeR sInCe aLL oF mY FrIeNdS TeLL mE I hAvE tHe mOsT CoLoUrFuL aNd sWeEtEsT tOmAtOeS."Life is too short to bother with tasteless tomatoes."