This message who reveal to those who are in mechatronic engineering side.Especially year 2 onwards.U will meet this man who will make u life feel like hell!!!!TAke note of his name man...really dong buay diao this fellow.
Teck leong Teck Leong is the best.
Looking tall,Looking well.
Look like Sultan ,
Look like horse,
Look like he like a gal call suyi.
Who know him,who know her
Drop a mi to tell mi now!
hahaha.....r u pples toking abt the tony tan whose office is in blkS 5th floor...if yes then i'm 1 of ur supporters!!!
i know tis....tis...**** during my 3rd yr project definately 1......(dunno how 2 decribe)....*****!!!
he is my personnel mentor during my study..
he is my personnel mentor during my study..
Hello guys..
Y u all say he very bad? Can share experience??
My fren under him for his 3rd yr project leh..I so many days nv see him liao.