Originally posted by anatasia:
For the year 3 final year project, do we get to choose what we want to do or the sch/lecturer assign 1??
Also is it individual or group....
Thanks for replying
STRICTLY assigned by the sch/lecturer. but den there a possible situation such like:
Possible situation 1Unless u have such a good idea where u can propose it to ur lect and if he/she think is a good idea.. Ur lect might propose to the school. Unless ur idea is really very unique and might help the school big bucks.. If not... less likely u get to work on project u one.
Possible situation 2You volunteer urself to represent the school to join some competition.. usually on the IT / engineering side. (Of course u must be a top student or u have a good knowlegde of the stuffs tat is involved in the competition.
Possible situation 3Ur project manager is so kind enough allow his/her project groups of students to choose the project and partners to work with.. But strictly exchange within the grp.