CHC is registered as a charity.
CHC proudly boosts about the many Humanitarian Works
Kong Hee lists himself as a businessman and humanitarian.
How come I fail to find any real proof of these so called humanitarian works?
Is a "Pastor" Sun Ho stumbling through the Haitian rumble after the terrible disaster, in immaculately clean designer clothing, poking here face in the camera, a sick display of how to use people's misery for your own benefit, or did she really help to dig out bodies, as the church claims?
How much money does CHC really spend on charity?
Why is it so easy to find tons of superficial CHC videos yet so difficult to find any real evidence?
If you know any evidence, please share.
Personally, I anticipate this to be the shortest topic on sgforums ever.
CHC talks a lot about humanitarian work and charity. The reality is different.
Prove me wrong if you can.
一个å°�故事,这故事是真是å�‡ï¼Œæˆ‘们ä¸�去管它。他说,有一ä½�医生替人看病,结果是看一个æ»ä¸€ä¸ªï¼Œå†¤æ»äº†ä¸�少人,所谓‘庸医æ�€äºº’。他æ»äº†ä»¥å�Žé˜Žç½—王判入å��八层地狱,很ä¸�æœ�气,他说:‘我ä¸�是有心害他们的,是我的医术ä¸�高明,用错è�¯ï¼Œä»½é‡�用得ä¸�对。他们æ»äº†ï¼Œè™½ç„¶æˆ‘有过失,也ä¸�至于这么大的罪,怎么把我判到å��八层地狱。’所以跳脚,很ä¸�æœ�气。那里知é�“他脚底下有声音说:‘è€�å…„ï¼Œä½ ä¸�è¦�è·³è„šï¼Œä½ ä¸€è·³ï¼Œç�°å°˜éƒ½è�½åœ¨æˆ‘身上。’他想,难é�“å��八层底下还有å��ä¹�层?底下的说:‘我是在å��ä¹�层ï¼�’他问:‘è€�å…„ï¼Œä½ æ˜¯å¹²ä»€ä¹ˆçš„ï¼Ÿ’ç”说:‘我是教书的。’æ„�æ€�就是说,误人å�弟比庸医æ�€äººè¿˜è¦�é‡�。如果把众生导入迷信,æ��怕è¦�下二å��层地狱,比å��ä¹�层还è¦�严é‡�。
Charity = Job security ? Cannot compute...
it's faith is believed will go heaven, and non believer will go hell, so why stil need job. since christians already have so much help and financial stability. mp and government shold concentrate on non-christians. And policy for FT is heading the right direction, as it members are broader, impartial charity to develop sg
City Harvest Church Charity Counter: 1
CHC gets a job for members that cannot find a job.
CityCare seems to have been the "Spearhead" for the Haiti action. However, per CHC own statements, "CityCare is NOT affiliated with CHC". This is to be understood as: CHC does not give any money to CityCare. CityCare is responsible to collect their own. CHC does state that CHC Volunteers are free to work for CityCare. I would argue that they can also volunteer with the Red Cross or Caritas or any other charity for that matter. the only link is Tan Ye Peng who is the founder of CityCare and at the same time Senior Pastor in CHC.
Hence...City Harvest Church has nothing to do with the Haiti adventure.
While researching, this Pastor Tan Ye Peng, in opposite to Kong Hee, appears to be a genuine good person. Is Kong Hee going to drag him down?
Good works are commendable, and they will be appreciated.
Wrong works are not acceptable, and should be accountable.
The two are mutually exclusive, i.e. you cannot have both.
Good works cannot be used to account for the bad works.
Originally posted by mancha:Good works are commendable, and they will be appreciated.
Wrong works are not acceptable, and should be accountable.
The two are mutually exclusive, i.e. you cannot have both.
Good works cannot be used to account for the bad works.
Correct - a (one) work is either good or wrong.
Also, an organisation/person can do both good works as well as wrong works.
I can recommend the book: "When bad Christians happen to good people".
My point however is:
- Opening up additional cashpoints (called "affiliate" churches)
- Free rock concerts
- Selling Ed Hardy T-shirts
- Selling Sun Ho music
- Selling devotional material
- Selling (pagiarised) books
What are the CHC Good Works?
Please note that CHCSA and CityCare are SELFSUFFICIENT and NOT funded by City Harvest Church