We're running out of IP addresses
Get ready for the next-generation Internet
If you haven’t heard about IPv6 yet, often referred to as the next-generation Internet, it’s time to start tuning in. According to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), we’ll run out of possible IP addresses soon if we don’t switch from IPv4 to a new protocol. What does this all mean and how will it affect you in your job?
The Internet won't grind to a halt when we run out of IPv4 addresses. But it will cease to grow because we won’t be able to connect any new devices to the Internet if they have no IP address available. Based on our current rate of Internet expansion, experts believe the number of IPv4 addresses will be depleted in mid-2011. With this deadline so near at hand, it’s time to take action now.
IPv6 was developed to replace IPv4 to increase the number of available IP addresses. This is great news, but there is still much work to be done to get ready for the next-generation Internet. Here’s how IPv6 works and what you need to do to prepare.
What is IP?
Internet Protocol (IP) is the set of digital communication codes that underlies the Internet infrastructure. It allows the flow of packets of data between any pair of points on the network.
What is an IP address?
An IP address is a numerical label assigned to any device connected to the Internet. These could be smart phones, computers, televisions, and so on. The address essentially acts as a “destination” for the input or output of data packets, similar to a telephone number.
The addresses are assigned by governments, large businesses and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). IP addresses can be dynamic or static. ISPs most often assign dynamic addresses for devices to use for the duration of an Internet session. At the end of the session, the address is put back into the pool. ISPs assign static addresses to Web servers that need a permanent address, such as your company mail server.
What is IPv4?
IP version 4 (IPv4) was originally described in 1981 in the IETF's RFC791 document. It uses 32-bit numbers, which means there are just over four billion possible combinations of unique addresses. The sheer growth of the Internet means that the pool of available addresses is fast dwindling. At the time of writing, the real-time IPv4 Exhaustion Counter is predicting that the IPv4 addresses will be used up in June 2011.
What is IPv6 and why is it superior to IPv4?
IP version 6 (IPv6) was described in IETF RFC2460 in 1998 and was designed to replace IPv4. It supports a 128-bit address space. Basically, it allows IP addresses to include more digits, allowing for more possible unique combinations. Because each additional bit doubles the size of the address space, an extra 96 bits increases the theoretical size of the address space by many trillions of times.
The Number Resource Organization has a great analogy: If IPv4 addresses are represented by the size of a golf ball, than IPv6 would be approaching the size of the sun. The NRO assures us that IPv6 won't run out—not in our lifetime anyway. "Even assuming a uniform global Internet that is a million times denser than that of today’s most advanced economy, IPv6, if properly managed, will be able to provide the required addresses."
Here are some other reasons why IPv6 is superior:
More addresses: ISPs would be able to assign substantial blocks of addresses to individual users. "This will allow IPv6-enabled devices including appliances, sensors and objects to be deployed easily and cheaply in the large numbers that are expected in coming years," according to the NRO.
More security: Authentication, security encryption and data integrity safeguards are inherent in the IPv6 protocol. With IPv6, data protection moves to the network layer where individual devices and applications can be protected directly.
Reduced complexity: Automatic configuration features can make getting onto your network as easy as plugging a cable into a computer. A “link local” IP address enables immediate communication with directly connected hosts, printers or other devices.
Enhanced mobility: The IP address allows computers and other devices to have a static interface ID. The interface ID doesn't change as the device moves from one location to the next. Mobile IPv6 users can move from network to network while keeping the same unique IP address.
What IPv6 means to you in your job
ISPs are beginning to adopt IPv6 and vendors are building IPv6 support into their products. Older equipment that supports IPv4 will be slowly phased out. Planning your move to IPv6 now and investing into IPv6 equipment will help to ensure that your business continues to run smoothly.
You can learn from the U.S. federal government, which is leading the way to IPv6 adoption. In 2005, it mandated that all federal agencies be IPv6-capable by June 2008. Since then, the government has asked that every federal CIO integrate IPv6 into their agency's enterprise architecture. By the end of 2012, agencies are required to run native IPv6 on their Web, e-mail, ISP and DNS servers and services.
Experts believe that the government's push for IPv6 will result in more and better IPv6 offerings from vendors, which is good news for all enterprises.