Social network marketing: not so easy in 2011
The ever-increasing use of social networks, with the equally increasing mistrust that online users have regarding their data security, may make social media marketing more difficult in 2011, according to the Forrester Institute.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
According to ‘2011: Now Social Media Marketing Gets Tough’, the increasing number of exchanges between online users could decrease the visibility of marketing campaigns. With 80% of people aged between 18 and 30 having more than 220 Facebook friends, ads will become more and more hidden in the midst of Status updates, photos and links being exchanged.
In addition, people are becoming increasingly worried about their privacy on the web. 36% of adults interviewed admitted to worrying about their personal data being used for commercial purposes. Therefore, inviting people to follow your brand has become a more delicate issue. “It will take more than a ‘Like’ or ‘Follow Us’ button on a website to get consumers involved in brands’ social programs this next year”, said the Forrester’s report.
By Matthieu Guinebault