Which school are you in anyway? Actually, the topic of which NOS (Network OS) is better is very subjective a matter. Novell & NT has their distinct advantages as well as disadvantages ...
First, Novell is more established in the NOS area and is very well supported besides UNIX. I am not too familiar with Novell so I can't say very much about it. Novell doesn't use Graphical User Interface to configure it's system settings like that of Windows and most services are loaded dynamically too. Novell also requires a small DOS partition.
NT is a recent entry by Windows and is much easier to configure (not use ...) because of it's click and set interface. However, it is quite a resource hog and can be quite troublesome to manage at times ...
Read up more about the 2 NOS first before making any major decisions. Or just throw your hands in the air and learn UNIX instead. That is an OS for "Gods" ... :-)
"Bluetooth" is a wireless network protocol developed by a consortium of network companies which include Microsoft. Currently, Bluetooth doesn't seem to have much of a bite (sorry for the pun ..) and it's transfer speed is still slow compared to other types of networks. Bluetooth also allows household appliances to be networked together w/o cables so that you can control them via a remote or single location ... Imagine if someone wrote a BackOrifice for Bluetooth, setting you oven to toast salad and fridge to broil chicken ... There are also other wireless protocols around so watch out for them too ...
Originally posted by Monn:
I have got problems knowing which one is better. My school is going to teach Novell where as many companies are using NT. Pretty confused which is better and more recongised.
Help needed.
And also how good is Bluetooth?