1. Shit happens. Children get abused, brutally killed, maimed and made into beggars, etc.
2. You got problems with reality and the hypothetical, dude.
Originally posted by mancha:You got problems with reality and the hypothetical, dude.
Originally posted by Warm hearted man passive:1. I'm not Chen but I do identify with the underdog in ALL circumstances. A sweet boy like Chen doesn't deserve the abuse -- leave alone execution -- he suffered at the hands of Xinyi. Children are children regardless of gender. To make matters worse, Chen is born with a severe neurological disability.
2. Jiani is NOT mature in the *least*. He is part of the problem which causes so much harm to defenseless boys like Chen. A mature person realizes that the average girl-child is no more innocent, weak, vulnerable, or sensitive than the average boy-child of the same age. Instead Jiani further traumatizes Chen and calls him a "wimp" because he has a handicap that impairs his ability to defend himself. What should Chen do? What can Chen do in such a debilitating situation? Jiani is a heartless bully. If Jiani has any hint of maturity in him [as you claim], he will show some compassion and sympathy for tender sweethearts like Chen and retract his hurtful insults he made against Chen.
There's something terribly wrong with you.
Chen isn't here at all! He would be 85 now!
TENDER SWEETHEARTS!?!? making me puke!
I didn't traumatizes him, i bet he would not care becos he's so old.
Kindly stop trolling around, thanks
I can't stand talking to you, a pyscho with a wide imagination
it only lowers my iq
TS, then what happened to Chen later after he collapsed? Died or what?
Did Xinyi kena charged for murder?
jiani maths fail la...if chen and xinyi still alive today, they should be 75 yrs old already la..
Originally posted by Jiani:There's something terribly wrong with you.
Chen isn't here at all! He would be 85 now!
TENDER SWEETHEARTS!?!? making me puke!
I didn't traumatizes him, i bet he would not care becos he's so old.
1. The only thing "wrong" with me is that I'm a compassionate individual
2. So what if Chen doesn't currently exist? It doesn't change the fact that the life of an innocent child is lost to the disgusting cowardly monster Xinyi.
3. Yes, Chen is a soft sweet boy. You feel sick because you are an insecure macho man who can't handle when a boy displays weakness or sensitivity. Such display reminds you of the fact that you also have a weak side despite being male. You've been brainwashed by society into believing that boys should always be tough and endure lethal amounts of pain while girls should be protected. Just admit it, you are a macho man pretending to be a young girl. No one is fooled.
4. Aging does not mitigate the neurological and psychological trauma cause by abuse experienced when the individual is a child.
Originally posted by kengkia:TS, then what happened to Chen later after he collapsed? Died or what?
Did Xinyi kena charged for murder?
1. Chen goes into neurogenic shock from the spinal cord injury and passes away.
2. Xinyi never faces any legal or social consequences because she is a girl and her victim is a boy. She falsely-claims he "molested" her and that she executed him in "self-defense". Society believes her and -- she is seen as a "hero" -- despite damning evidence to the contrary. Sweet Chen no longer exists to tell his side of the story and his poor mom is devastated. Most of the community knows Xinyi is lying but they don't care. The public still sides with Xinyi and commends her for being a "strong girl".
this is real story?
Originally posted by kengkia:this is real story?
Yes but it is supressed because the society doesn't care about it. In fact, society enjoys the fact that a girl is so cold-hearted as to torment and execute such a sweet boy.
does this xinyi got any form of retribution in her old age today? if law and society let her get away, karma would have caught up with her somehow.
with the additional protection of our lop sided system, evil goes scot free of course with the er hem...blind as well as deaf system
i only thought that this kinda thing is possible AFTER the women charter's up. never expect it occured way in the 50s.
Originally posted by kengkia:i only thought that this kinda thing is possible AFTER the women charter's up. never expect it occured way in the 50s.
Since ancient times, the men of society have usually -- at least in public -- treated girl-children better than boy-children. This pro-girl sexism is especially intense in non-western cultures including that of Singapore.
even in paternal society?
Originally posted by kengkia:even in paternal society?
Yes. In fact paternal society perpetrate more intense anti-boy sexism than maternal society. I prefer maternal.
Women usually treat children in a genderless manner. It's the men who favor girls over boys.
Originally posted by Warm hearted man passive:Yes. In fact paternal society perpetrate more intense anti-boy sexism than maternal society. I prefer maternal.
Women usually treat children in a genderless manner. It's the men who favor girls over boys.
but places like korea and japan seemed to indicate otherwise...
Originally posted by kengkia:but places like korea and japan seemed to indicate otherwise...
Even in those nations, the men publicly are more protective of girl-children than boy-children.
just that when gals of those country grows up, shit hits the fan to them...i dun understand how come like tt one?
Originally posted by kengkia:just that when gals of those country grows up, shit hits the fan to them...i dun understand how come like tt one?
I personally feel it is wrong for society to force a male of any age to treat a girl-child "better" than a boy-child of the same age if/when such treatment is provided solely based on the gender of the children.
By "better" I mean one or more of the following:
1. More compassion
2. More sympathy
3. More respect
4. More gentleness
5. More easiness
6. More empathy
7. More cleanliness
8. More protection
9. More luxury
10. More personal space
11. More privacy
12. More security
13. More freedom
14. More modesty
15. More decency
On average, the adult woman:
1. Is physically weaker than the adult man
2. Is more emotional than the adult man
3. Is better behaved than the adult man
4. Is far more likely to be a victim of opposite-gender violence
[e.g. violence may be sexual, domestic, or spousal abuse] than the
adult man
5. Can get or be pregnant whereas the adult man can't
6. Is physically more delicate than the adult man
Also, it is likely natural for a man to want to treat an adult
woman partially over an adult man -- this is seen in many mammalian
species. For example in many species of large mammals -- such as
bison --, the adult males are rough with each other but tender with
the adult females.
I therefore understand that:
1. Women need - and should be provided with - more protection
against men, than visa versa
2. Women need - and should be provided with - more protection
against men, than adults of the same gender from each other
However, the same does not apply to boy-child vs. girl-child.
I believe males of all ages should treat adult women "better" than adult
men. This will give men/boys a respect for adult women and will
help prevent these males from perpetrating domestic violence
against their wives and girlfriends. However, males -- of any age
-- should never be taught to treat girl-children better than
boy-children because this will cause boys to develop an intense and
life-long hatred for young girls and a hatred for the macho men who
teach these boys to defer to girls. This sexism against boy
children will likely cause boys to also despise society and it's
irrational norms.
The average girl is no more weak, innocent, well-behaved, delicate,
vulnerable, or sensitive than the average boy of the same age.
It is due to this pro-girl sexism that I don't want to have any children. I don't want my potential son being brutalized by society just because he is a boy -- like Chen. I don't want my potential daughter turning into a vile monster -- like Xinyi -- who goes out of her way to mistreat boys just because she knows she'll get away with it.
Boy = male who is under 18 years of age
Woman = female who is 18 years of age or older
Man = male who is 18 years of age or older
Girl = female who is under 18 years of age
I've probably said this before and I'll say it again...
...Women -- both in public and private -- usually treat children in a genderless manner. Men, however usually treat girls "better" than boys -- especially in public. This is what leads to tragedies like that experienced by Chen.
i see..
Originally posted by Warm hearted man passive:Meaning?
Things happen. A million were bulgeoned to death in Pol Pot's Cambodia. What can we do. Its done. We can only feel sad, and move on. Toddlers have been raped or sodomised, we are disgusted, but we move on. We don't generalise, and put our lives on hold because of those incidents.
I ask you if you are Chen, or if you have old issues
Originally posted by mancha:Things happen. A million were bulgeoned to death in Pol Pot's Cambodia. What can we do. Its done. We can only feel sad, and move on. Toddlers have been raped or sodomised, we are disgusted, but we move on. We don't generalise, and put our lives on hold because of those incidents.
I ask you if you are Chen, or if you have old issues
You answered the first half , the second part you revealed.After all these years you should have the wisdom to know what you can do, what you cannot do.The best thing you could have done is to forgive Xinyi. Years ago.There are a few words for forgive, like letting go, move on, forget it, let it be. Its optional, up to you. You suffer or be free of past baggage.
Chen forgives Xinyi because one of the symptoms of his neurologic condition is a completely inability to experience the emotion of anger and any secondary emotions that result from anger. However, this is not a normal reaction to bullying.
Originally posted by Warm hearted man passive:Chen forgives Xinyi because one of the symptoms of his neurologic condition is a completely inability to experience the emotion of anger and any secondary emotions that result from anger. However, this is not a normal reaction to bullying.
What about you. The problem is with you. Not the story.