nitec retail and nitec tourism can go to poly? or must go to higher nitec first?
Selection of applicants to courses is based first, on merit and second, on the order of choice of courses.
Applicants will be ranked according to their academic Grade Point Average (GPA).
Applicants who are active in their ITE’s Co-curricular Activities (CCA) may gain up to 0.2 CCA bonus points. The CCA bonus points can be used to improve their GPA ranking for admission consideration.
Subject exemption(s) will be granted for applicants who obtained good grade(s) in relevant subject(s) in their ITE qualification.
Please access the following pages for the relevant certificates awarded by ITE that are recognised for admission to the full-time diploma courses.
but i don't get it. singapore poly have tourism course so why ite did not state that nitec tourism course can go to ite?
but i don't get it. singapore poly have tourism course so why ite did not state that nitec tourism course can go to poly?