No spamming like Macho Man.I will ban Macho Man if he ever spam here.I wonder why FireIce never ban Macho Man.
Bcause there is Macho Man 1
Macho Man 2
Macho Man 3
Macho Man 4
Macho Man 5
Macho Man 6
I am part of big big family.
lobangs ???
si mi lan jiao...................kan ni na.....................
yah lor. Lan Jiao forum. Want to declassifi trolling.
Macho Man, I will ban you for a week!
U gila wan. make me moderator for wat?
I only wan to post serial killa story.
Sorry Macho Man.I can't ban you.Prevented by FireIce.
Lol... flame war more than lobang!