Originally posted by SBS Transit and SMRT:Trains with specific adverts (Total: 44)
C151, C651, C751B
003/004 - Nescafe
007/008 - Nescafe
011/012 - Estetica: Purple Hearts 2010
015/016 - OCBC Bank
023/024 - Burger King
027/028 - Geox Breathes
029/030 - OCBC Bank
037/038 - Way OnNet Group: 2011 Chinese Zodiac
039/040 - Way OnNet Group: 2011 Chinese Zodiac
049/050 - Marina Square
057/058 - FOX
059/060 - FOX
063/064 - OCBC Bank
065/066 - Haagen Dazs
075/076 - Ribena
079/080 - Nescafe
087/088 - JobCentral: BrightMinds
089/090 - Burger King
091/092 - JobCentral: BrightMinds
095/096 - Suntec City Mall
097/098 - Burger King
101/102 - Burger King
105/106 - Burger King
107/108 - Burger King
111/112 - Amway: Nutrilite
113/114 - President's Challenge 2010
117/118 - Ribena
121/122 - Estetica: Purple Hearts 2010
125/126 - Korean Air
131/132 - G2000
203/204 - Dream Cruise with SMRT
205/206 - Marina Square
207/208 - G2000
209/210 - Suntec City Mall
211/212 - 7-Eleven: Leading Brands Award 2010 (2010 4th Gen)
215/216 - OCBC Bank
221/222 - 7-Eleven (2010 3rd Gen)
223/224 - 7-Eleven (2010 3rd Gen)
227/228 - Amway: Nutrilite
231/232 - Velocity Novena
233/234 - Velocity Novena
313/314 - Panasonic Evolta
319/320 - Sooran Fresh Eggs
349/350 - Panasonic EvoltaFull Train ad indicated in Red
Full Ext. ad indicated in Brown
Full Int. ad indicated in Blue
Half Int. ad indicated in Purple
Overhead ad indicated in Green
Side Panel ad indicated in Orange
Window ad indicated in BlackHanger adverts:
McDonalds Monopoly - 315/316, 333/334
The Affordable Air Fair - 329/330, 349/350, 351/352
B.liv by cellnique - 025/026, 049/050, 201/202
Team Singapore - 111/112, 237/238
AVA: A Pet is for Life - 011/012, 029/030, 235/236
Keppel Land: The Lakefront Residences - 231/232
Nations Cup 2010 - 129/130, 327/328, 339/340Random overhead adverts (ROA):
C151 & C651
2x Workfare
1x ICA: Don't get burnt
1x Beijing 101
1x 7-ElevenC751B
2x Nets FlashPay
2x Scholl
2x I <3 Museums
1x Zone 1511
1x Flu Card.com
1x NIEC151s and C651s with ROA, Total: 50/85
005/006, 009/010, 011/012, 013/014, 015/016, 017/018, 019/020, 025/026, 029/030, 035/036, 049/050, 051/052, 057/058, 059/060, 061/062, 063/064, 065/066, 067/068, 069/070, 071/072, 073/074, 095/096, 099/100, 103/104, 109/110, 111/112, 121/122, 123/124, 127/128, 129/130, 131/132, All 19 C651s
C751Bs with ROA, Total: 20/21
All C751Bs except 321/322Trains with DSD "Give Up Your Seat" stickers, Total: 47/106
001/002, 005/006, 019/020, 021/022, 025/026, 031/032, 035/036, 037/038, 039/040, 041/042, 043/044, 045/046, 047/048, 053/054, 061/062, 067/068, 069/070, 071/072, 073/074, 077/078, 081/082, 083/084, 085/086, 087/088, 091/092, 093/094, 109/110, 219/220, 229/230, 237/238, 311/312, 317/318, 321/322, 323/324, 325/326, 327/328, 329/330, 331/332, 333/334, 335/336, 337/338, 339/340, 341/342, 343/344, 345/346, 347/348, 351/352Trains with DSD "Please Move In" stickers (floor), Total: 9/106
021/022, 031/032, 041/042, 043/044, 045/046, 083/084, 087/088, 091/092, 093/094==================================================================
Trains with specific adverts (Total: 20)
001/002 - Farmhouse Milk
003/004 - POSB
005/006 - Ribena
007/008 - Farmhouse Milk
009/010 - Welcome To Taiwan
011/012 - F&N Fruit Tree fresh: The only juice with real collagen bits, NEA: Let's Bin It
013/014 - Phoenix 1516
015/016 - Seasons
017/018 - Beijing 101
019/020 - Murdoch Kaplan
021/022 - Census of Population 2010, Tiger Balm
025/026 - Ribena
029/030 - Census of Population 2010, Tiger Balm
031/032 - Sentosa
035/036 - augustman.com
037/038 - Beijing 101
039/040 - Farmhouse Milk
041/042 - Hada Labo
045/046 - Seasons
049/050 - Beijing 101Full Int. ad indicated in Blue
Overhead ad indicated in Green
Window ad indicated in BlackHanger adverts:
Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat - 701/702, 713/714
Trains with DSD "Give Up Your Seat" stickers, Total: 4 (List under compilation)
001/002, 003/004, 007/008, 015/016Trains with DSD "Please Move In" stickers (floor), Total: 4 (List under compilation)
001/002, 003/004, 007/008, 015/016==================================================================
Trains with specific adverts (Total: 3)
20 - Marina Square
27 - Velocity Novena
34 - Panasonic EvoltaFull Int. ad indicated in Blue
Half Int. ad indicated in Purple
Overhead ad indicated in Green
Window ad indicated in BlackTrains with DSD "Give Up Your Seat stickers", Total: 9
03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 11, 15, 18, 20Trains with DSD "Please Move In" stickers (floor), Total: 2
03, 04
You Just Literally Copied the whole thing from The Train Forum and paste it here?
That train thread has more detailed content