The Art of Chaozhou Zheng Music
"Chaozhou Music" and Chaozhou Zheng Music" are actually further developments of ancient tunes which originally belonged to the central part of China. As the central kingdom shifted from the north to the south, its music culture was apt to be influenced by that of the south. Thus, a new genre of music was developed, i.e. "Chaozhou Music". This genre, folk music prevalent in Chaozhou and Shantou districts in Guangdong Province, is well-known both in China and overseas for its long history and distinctive flavour.
The Chaozhou Zheng music is characterized by its gentle and refined melodies as well as elegant and sentimental colouring. Traditionals of Chaozhou Zheng music, include mostly "Xi-music", "Han-music", and "Xianshi-music". "Temple-music", "Di-qu-music", and various folk songs of "Chaozhou Music" also form a part of the repertory. The popular pieces are "Butterflies Dancing among Flowers", "Jackdaws Gambol Water", "Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun" and "Liuqinniang". Famous Zheng players include LIN Yong-zhi, SU Wen-xian and GUO Ying.
Chaozhou Zhengs are tuned in pentatonic scale, and are mostly in the key of "F". Traditional scores are written in the form "Er-si-score", i.e. the seven Chinese characters "Er", "San", "Si", "Wu", "Liu", "Qi" and "Ba" denote the seven pitches "5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6". Like other forms of Chaozhou music, it employs special modes. The most important modes are the "Unstressed Six", "Stressed Six", "Unstressed Three Stressed Six", "Varying Three-five", and "Fan-xian". These special modes are important ingredients of the Chaozhou Zheng School.
The melodies of Chaozhou Zheng music are usually pentatonic. Although sometimes "Fa" and "Si" may be employed, the basic skeletons are still pentatonic. Moreover, in Chaozhou Zheng music, though basically the "Three-section Temperament" is employed. "Fa" is higher, and "Si" is lower than usual. To a further extent is the frequent involvements of "Neutral intervals", "3/4 Whole Tones", and "1/2 Semi-tones". These unusual intervals not just provide more chances for melodic development, but also enrich the tone colour and distinctive flavour.
The methods for variation and ornamentation are quite unique in the Chaozhou Zheng School. "Tou-ban" (Grave), "Er-ban" (Lento), and "San-ban" (Allegro) are the three basic tempi in Chaozhou Zheng music. Base on the same melody, three different methods may be employed for variation, they are "Kao-pai", "Single-cui and "Double-cui". The following table shows these methods:-
Er-ban: 32 35 | 32 3 | 61 61 | 31 2 | ......
Kao-pai: 02 05 | 32 33 | 01 01 | 31 22 | ......
Single-cui: 32 | 35 | 32 | 33 | 61 | 61 | 31 | 22 | ......
Double-cui: 3332 | 3335 | 3332 | 3333 | 6661 | ......
6661 | 3331 | 2222 | ......
The fingerings of this school are also quite sole and unique. These include different kinds of vibrato, glissando and stoppings. They all contribute much to the distinctive colouring of this school.