A farmer's life deserves respect
Letter from Natalie Cheong 04:46 AM Apr 04, 2011
Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong has been quoted as saying of people in less-developed countries: "Because they don't know what life is, they're quite happy. They wake up, they brush their teeth, then they'll farm, and then they'll sleep. But do you want it that way?". What concerns me is the assumption that all farmers in less-developed countries do not understand what life is.
I have worked with farmers in Vietnam who have grown up in marginalised indigenous communities. They are able to read and write in English and think more critically than many Singaporeans I have met. They are able to use the Internet and even have Facebook. They humble me with their know-how and adaptability in farming - a skill that has been long-lost in my generation.
Farmers like them help to supply our country's people with 90 per cent of our food. These are the unsung and financially unrewarded people who have contributed to the success of Singapore today. They are also the people whom millions will rely on to be highly adaptive and resilient in light of changing environmental conditions brought about by climate change.
I am 22 years of age and do not claim to have a comprehensive understanding of what life is. But I do know that happiness, which is not based on disregard for others, is central to what I would want my country to have.
SM goh is just the fall guy, can't really give a shit what he says these days. Notice how he has been like that since the NKF thing started?
SM Goh better retire from politics lar. dun tell me he wants to follow MM footsteps and will stand in elections into his 80s if he is to live that long. my word.
Like that cannot lah SM, PR skills really fail leh...
then he will just say that is peanuts to him loh .
some seem to be happy to take things on face value...
i think Lau Goh is a very unhappy man, made to become the one who draws as much flak as the MIW can think up...
but looks like the others are creating more shit anyway and most believe Lau Goh is being made to say such bullshit for the MIW
farmers probably know life much more than him the frog in the well
used to respect him alot. but now he is full of rubbish
used to respect him alot. but now he is full of rubbish
Originally posted by R.m:used to respect him alot. but now he is full of rubbish
It was taken out of context...so hard to guage what really SM Goh said about farmers.
Aged wine is suppose to be mellow.
if a matured wine tat tastes arrogant, the grapes must be of very poor quality or bad season.
May I apologised on behalf, acording to Buddha, living beings lack of intellectual love, once got wealthier and fame, they tends to forget the hardship of their ancestors working so hard under sun for them to succeed in life, so to speak. Deeply sadden Unless earth ceased to exist, farming is generally the basic neccessity for all people.
National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan is optimistic that a prototype vertical farming system will help enhance Singapore’s supply resilience of leafy vegetables.
Originally posted by Amitayus48:May I apologised on behalf, acording to Buddha, living beings lack of intellectual love, once got wealthier and fame, they tends to forget the hardship of their ancestors working so hard under sun for them to succeed in life, so to speak. Deeply sadden
Unless earth ceased to exist, farming is generally the basic neccessity for all people.
Those who born rich, are those who will not know the hardship pple suffer. They will not know that poor pple needs and wants. They live in rich mans world. They only talk rubbish and want pple to follow them.
our land is small, we should expand our land. when we have the land we should put argriculture and promote it and use it as one source of solution to providing food for ourselves at the same time sell them overseas. the difficulty to start everything is land. we must expand land, not only for recreational site to bring in aliens and revenue, we should use it for argriculture. that will help to also stem the rising food costs. so much for millions paid but oe size fits all solutions. they look at te limited land and will rather use what they have for tourism and revenue. how to have more land? we can start landfilling from our off short iaslands, within our own borders. why we only know to use them for rubbish filling? what's the island wide promotion on reusing stuff, rcycling and reducing waste?
We've Lim Chu Kang for farming.
Instead of leaving it to rot, should let ppl cutltivate agriculture there.
Maybe should vote him out and see what kind of life he has without that $5 million a year salary.
$5 million a year is peanuts to him.