What are the bookies odds now?
a lightning bolt under the "STOP" sign (2012 Hougang By election)
two lightning bolts turned upside-down.
PAP lost BOTH Aljunied GRC and Hougang SMC and later also lost Punggol East SMC (is in Sengkang East).
GST will increase to 10% to fund all those new programmes.
Points to ponder:
1) Where tax payers money went to in 2015 : http://www.straitstimes.com/sites/straitstimes.com/files/20150313/BUDGET_WRAP.jpg .
2) Total GST collected in the 12 months to 31 Mar 2014 was S$9.5 million based on 7% GST. So 1% GST is S$1.357 billion ( http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/gst-property-and-sin-levies-boost-tax-revenue-to-new-high ).
3) Why this year 12th parliament Finance Minister has yet to promise not to increase GST after election. In 2011 election, he promised not to increase GST and got 66.96% support from voters of Jurong GRC.
4) Is it possible for GST to be lowered? If can, cut from where.
You all go see video of PAP rally vs WP rally
i think u all can see the sentiment there
Originally posted by laurence82:You all go see video of PAP rally vs WP rally
i think u all can see the sentiment there
Saw some of tonights speakers here : http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/live-blog-on-the-ge2015/2093684.html
WP's first speaker for Hougang rally is really super weak. He did not do his homework and exergerated things. He asked for more discounts for 2-rm flats. Two room flats are already super-cheap costing on the average only between S$13000-$20000 after subsidies. He should be asking HDB to build more 2-rms for singles and not asking for more discounts for $13000-$2000 2-rm flats. Also he said 4-rm flats in Clementi BTOs are too expensive costing $478,000. What he may not know is Singaporeans after seeing the listed price were still willing to pay for them by choice as indicated by it's subscription rate of 8.7 times the number of flats offered because of their excellent location. The not-so-good location 4-rm HDB flats in non-matured estate Sembawang next to future MRT station however only cost $203,000 after subsidies. These cheaper non-matured estate 4-rm flats however only have a subscription rate of 3.7 times the number of flats offered.
1) Subscription rates for May 2015 BTO : https://services2.hdb.gov.sg/webapp/BP13BTOENQWeb/BP13J011BTOMay15.jsp
2) Prices of BTO flats in May 2015 : http://esales.hdb.gov.sg/hdbvsf/eampu05p.nsf/0/15MAYBTO_page_1905/$file/about0.html
3) Prices of BTO flats in Feb 2015 : http://esales.hdb.gov.sg/hdbvsf/eampu02p.nsf/0/FEBBTO_page_1112/$file/about0.html .
PAP rally
No interesting leh. Wait for better show at AMK.
Watch PAP's rally here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBfTyWhAo1g .
Watch WP's rally here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX4yeyTe63Y .
Big difference between watching full video rallies and those specially chosen and commented by Channel News Asia.
WP Rally at Hougang 2 Sep
First indicator of who would win at Hougang : http://www.straitstimes.com/sites/default/files/workerspartycrowd2.jpg
Originally posted by FireIce:
WP Rally at Hougang 2 Sep
This means WP would win at Hougang.
Political rallies on 3 Sep 2015:
1) PAP (Bedok): https://youtu.be/byfKbpzCl-A
2) WP : https://youtu.be/B-ASnoRn5NM
3) PAP (Seng Kang) : No direct link
4) SDP : No direct link
5) SingFirst : No direct link
6) Han Hui Hui : No direct link
After some quick glances at the political rally videos for tonight, I feel that PAP is going to slide below 60% mark this election. The non-PAP parties are stronger than election 2011.
PAP must die this elections.
Originally posted by Ee Hoe Hean Club:PAP must die this elections.
They have not announced that they would not raise GST after the election.
Not announcing means they may dip below 55%.
PAP this elections seems very weak and low energy. They sent two very poor debaters to debate with opposition parties on TV.
Originally posted by Ee Hoe Hean Club:PAP this elections seems very weak and low energy. They sent two very poor debaters to debate with opposition parties on TV.
PAP'S supporters strong and firm.
All strong determine to continue support them.
somehow dont feel much hooha from them
maybe partly to reduce gaffe
like repent if you vote for opposition
or i dont know what to say
Originally posted by Ee Hoe Hean Club:PAP this elections seems very weak and low energy. They sent two very poor debaters to debate with opposition parties on TV.
u definitely din see sim ann.
Originally posted by minx:PAP'S supporters strong and firm.
All strong determine to continue support them.
This is your longest post so far. Not bad.