Chen Show Mao. Hmm sorry but wanna laugh. Hehe. Chen come and Show the Mao.
More dirt on Sinkapore latest traitor.
You can see on the today picture of her on Shit Times. Her back is facing the camera. This symbolize that PAP have turned their backs away from the people.
Originally posted by Askingyouto:Straits Times puts photo of Tin Pei Ling's hair on its front page
More dirt on Sinkapore latest traitor.
You can see on the today picture of her on Shit Times. Her back is facing the camera. This symbolize that PAP have turned their backs away from the people.
see no evil.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:Chen Show Mao. Hmm sorry but wanna laugh. Hehe. Chen come and Show the Mao.
how about tin peeling.
Tin Pei Ling: Globalisation – High & Low |
Dated : 11-11-2007 |
Party Convention – 2007
Globalisation – High & Low
Tin Pei Ling
尊敬的党领导å�Šå�„ä½�å�Œå¿—朋å�‹ä»¬ï¼Œæ—©ä¸Šå¥½ï¼�我是行é�’团,也是乌é²�ç�丹支部的陈佩玲。é�žå¸¸æ„Ÿè°¢å¤§ä¼šå®¹è®¸æˆ‘针对“收入差è·�,贫富悬殊” 这个课题,以å�Œè¯å�‘表看法。
Respectable party leaders and comrades, good morning to you all. My name is Tin Pei Ling from the Young PAP (Ulu Pandan). I am grateful to have this opportunity to share my views in two languages on the topic of the widening income gap.
相信这个课题已ä¸�是什么新鲜事。在考虑贫富悬殊这项难题的当儿,ä¸�仅是考é‡�收入差è·�是å�¦è¶Šæ�¥è¶Šå¤§ï¼Œæ›´å€¼å¾—关注的是那些属于“è´«å›°” 的一群是å�¦èƒ½ï¼Œæœ€ä½Žé™�度,生å˜å¹¶é�¿å…�æ�¶æ€§å¾ªçŽ¯ã€‚对于这个日趋严é‡�的问题,许多人怨天怨地,更怨政府。å�¯æ˜¯ï¼Œè¿™çœŸçš„å�ªæ˜¯æ”¿åºœçš„责任å�—?我,ä¸�以为然。
This is not a new topic. Besides studying whether the gap is widening, it is more important to find out if the lowest-income group is able to get by and not fall into the vicious cycle. Many people are complaining and blaming the government for this problem. But is this really the responsibility of the government? I don’t think so.
政府å�¯ä»¥ä»Žå®�观的角度,设立强有力的架构å��助我们æˆ�功,但这是ä¸�够的。所谓:” 国家兴亡,匹夫有责” 。æ¯�个人,ä¸�åˆ†ä½ æˆ‘ï¼Œå¯¹å›½å®¶æœ‰è´£ä»»ï¼Œå¯¹å‘¨å›´çš„å�Œèƒžä»¬ä¹Ÿæœ‰è´£ä»»ï¼�
The government, at the macro level, can set up a robust framework to help us be successful, but this is not enough. As the Chinese saying goes, the individual has a responsibility towards the survival and success of the country. Everyone, besides a duty for the nation, also has an obligation to the fellow countrymen around him.
今天,我ä¸�æŠŠæ—¶é—´è€—åœ¨æ‰¾å‡ºé—®é¢˜çš„æ ¹æº�。我们ä¸�能纸上谈兵,è¦�有实际的行动æ‰�会有望解决难题。与æ¤ï¼Œæˆ‘谨大胆地献上两项æ��议,å†�以英è¯æ¼”说å�¦å¤–两项。
Today, I am not trying to find a reason for the situation. We should not just talk about it, but need to be proactive in finding a solution. Please excuse my boldness in offering two suggestions, and two more in my English speech.
一项,我们è¦�自强ä¸�æ�¯ï¼ŒåŠ›äº‰ä¸Šæ¸¸ï¼›ä¸�æ–地自我调适,自我更新ï¼�许多人认为å�šäººéš¾ï¼Œå�šæ–°åŠ å�¡äººæ›´éš¾ï¼�从æŸ�些角度æ�¥çœ‹ï¼Œè¿™æˆ–许是真的。å�¯äººç”Ÿå�ˆæ›¾å‡ 何时是尽如
人æ„�的?我们应该è¦�了解,环ç�ƒå�‘展ä¸�ä¼šä¸ºäº†æ–°åŠ å�¡ï¼Œæ›´ä¸�ä¼šä¸ºäº†ä½ æˆ–æˆ‘è€Œæ”¾æ…¢ã€‚å°½ç®¡æ”¿åºœå†�怎么尽全力地资助或扶æŒ�我们,这始终ä¸�æ˜¯ä¸‡å…¨ä¹‹ç– -- æ²»æ ‡ä¸�治本。
First of all, we need to persevere and strive for continuous improvement, adjustment and rejuvenation. A lot of people think that making a living is difficult, I think making a living in Singapore is even more difficult! We need to understand that globalization will not slow down for Singapore, or you and me. No matter how hard the government tries to subsidise and help us, it will just be treating the problem superficially without solving the root.
The government is like a ship and it can help us reach our destination safely and smoothly. However, this ship still needs to be operated by people. In other words, we still play the critical role ourselves. If we are not helping ourselves, how can we solve the problem?
第二项,身为晚辈,我们è¦�以先辈å�Šé•¿è¾ˆä¸ºæ¨¡èŒƒï¼Œä¼ 承并å�‘扬他们的良好观念å�Šåˆšæ¯…精神。我党æˆ�立至今已有约53年之久了。许多å�¯è°“党的鼻祖ä»�活跃于我们当ä¸ã€‚他们在当时动è�¡ä¸�安,生活æ�¡ä»¶æ�¶åŠ£çš„情况下屹立ä¸�倒,并æŒ�ç�€ç ´é‡œæ²‰èˆŸçš„å†³å¿ƒä¸ºæ–°åŠ å�¡å¥ ä¸‹æ ¹æ·±è’‚å›ºçš„åŸºç¡€ï¼Œæ‰“å‡ºä¸€ç•ªå¤©åœ°ï¼�ä¸�说别人,就说我父亲年轻时,大约60年代,当时三é¤�ä¸�一定能温饱,若ä¸�å°�心丢了两角钱,一整天就没得å�ƒï¼Œè¿˜å¾—从å¦æ ¡èµ°è·¯å›žå®¶ï¼�尽管如æ¤ï¼Œä»–们那一代人克勤克苦,终于æˆ�功了ï¼�这是值得我们å¦ä¹ çš„å•Šï¼�
Secondly, we need to learn from our forefathers and seniors. We should emulate and promote their value systems and spirit of endurance. Our party is 53 years old, many pioneers are still active today. They have lived through the years of turbulence, under very poor living conditions, but they did not give up. They bite the bullet and helped to build a strong foundation for Singapore. Take my own father as an example, when he was a young man in the sixties, he struggled even with three meals a day. If he dropped 20 cents, he would have to starve for a day and walk all the way home from school. Despite all these, his generation worked hard and succeeded ultimately. This is something we should learn from.
所以,在ç»�济环境ä¸�利于我们的时候,我们一定è¦�继ç»å�šæŒ�ï¼Œå¥‹æ–—ï¼Œæ”¹é€ ï¼�
Hence, even when the economic environment is not favourable, we must continue to persevere, work hard and make a difference!
A very good morning to Party Chairman, Secretary-General and fellow comrades! My name is Tin Pei Ling from the Young PAP (Ulu Pandan).
I thank you for the opportunity to speak today, and I thank my fellow YP comrades for sharing their insights with me online. Allow me to share these with you.
Singapore’s income gap is growing. The Gini coefficient for Singapore had increased from 0.442 to 0.472 in year 2000, before adjusting for Government benefits and taxes. From an economic standpoint, this suggests a growing income inequality.
This widening of income gap is a complex challenge faced by every society. And to tackle this, it helps to break it down and address the components accordingly.
Getting the Economics Right
To address the rich-poor gap, we must first ascertain the possibility of becoming rich in the first place! Hence, from a macro-level, we must be able to progress and hold our own against giant, booming economies such as China and India. We must not easily fall prey to the short-sighted proposals made by the Opposition, who push for either protectionism or welfarism! We are Singaporeans who have dignity and integrity. We can achieve much if we are willing to put in the effort. And we should not yield to these temptations (short-term wins), as other greater nations than ours did and been the worse for it.
From a micro-level, and of most immediate concern, those at the bottom of the social ladder must have sufficient to live by. Having ensured that, there must be hope for the children of those who are considered poor now to break out of the poverty cycle later in life. In essence, we must – (1) Help the poor; (2) Maintain social mobility.
Helping the Poor
In Singapore, it appears that while the rich has gotten richer, the poor have NOT gotten poorer. The Department of Statistics reported that the bottom 20% of our population have seen their lives improve over the last decade.
BUT there are still those amongst us who need help. Some, we meet weekly at our Meet-the-People Sessions; some, we meet almost daily in our classes or workplace. As youth, it is crucial that we remain aware of the needy. We, who have voices, must advocate for those who cannot speak. And we must do more than speak – we must act, by seeking out those who need help and find ways to help them.
As YP members, we also have the privilege of working with our Parliamentary leaders and decision makers. In the course of serving the community, we have learnt about the different avenues of assistance and paths to seek help. We know the strength of our national system, and how the good can become even better!
This confers upon us a special responsibility, to give ground feedback sincerely and honestly, without fear or favour. Let it never be said that the Young PAP is a bastion of yes-men and women, but young thinking Singaporeans who are prepared to speak our minds, defend and decide what is right and not just about being popular.
Maintaining Social Mobility – Helping the Next Generation
Our nation abides by the principle of meritocracy.
It is a tragedy when a family descends into poverty. But the tragedy is multiplied if that family’s children cannot rise out of poverty. We must not let this happen.
Hence, children from poor families must enjoy equal access to education. They must not feel compelled to leave school in order to make ends meet. Neither should they be afraid to aspire to schools of excellence, for fear that their great talent is not matched by great wealth.
Thankfully, our education system has done well compared to other countries! We have been able to subsidise education for young Singaporeas, and spread quality across our neighbourhood schools. Singapore has done this competently and should continue to evolve to become better!
As members of Young PAP, we also have a role. Those of us who have risen out of poverty can be role models, helping to guide the less fortunate along the road we have trodden ourselves. And those of us still struggling to make ends meet, can be a voice to highlight situations on the ground, while inspiring our fellow men and women as we endeavour onward and upward to build a better future.
In summary, the rich-poor gap is not an easy issue, and there are no easy answers.
As youth of today, we have an important role: Our willingness to serve and give back to society can be the inspiration for others to do the same.
If we help one another, if the privileged willingly contribute out of a sense of social responsibility, then we can achieve a precious possibility. -- Build a country where the poor know they can aspire to greatness, where the helpless – having fought the good fight – will be looked after.
We, the youth of Singapore, have been privileged with many gifts by virtue of our history and our unique situation today. With our great gifts, comes great responsibility.
Let us take up that responsibility and build a better tomorrow, starting today.
Loads of rubbish from the ass kisser.
I challenge PAP. You put up this candidate to appeal to the young. Instead, we get to see her inexperience and her undeserved, naked wealth (too bad not naked anything else).
So you can force her upon us and alienate us.
Or you backpaddle for the first time in your history and admit you are fallible. Worse still, you will be giving in to the people like you have never done before.
We the People don't ask for alot. We just ask for some humility and decency.
They have indeed losing the touch of the ground.
Fielding an inexperienced young person does not mean you are reaching out to the younger generation.
It would either be a sign of over-confidence or plain stupidity.
Just like asking the croonies to dance hip hop does not mean they will become caring MPs.
They are in the white castle too long and still think that the people will choose them for sure.
Who the hell is Chen Show Mao?
Originally posted by FireIce:she will clack clack clack into parliament in her louboutins
next time she will be giving out shopping vouchers as freebies
aiyoh... comparing Chen Show Mao to Tin Peiling is an unfair comparison is comparing one of the opposition's strongest with one of the PAP's newest. it's like comparing someone with a black belt in karate with someone who just started learning his first kata.
i don't think the PAP has unveiled their strongest candidates yet. when all the candidates on both sides are out, then we can compare the strongest with the strongest and the newest with the newest. then make a more informed decision.
can i comment on her taste in men? (previous and current)
but i dun wanna be rude lah, ya know...........................
comments welcome share it bro
just waiting for someone to post the pix..................
Originally posted by Askingyouto:Straits Times puts photo of Tin Pei Ling's hair on its front page
More dirt on Sinkapore latest traitor.
You can see on the today picture of her on Shit Times. Her back is facing the camera. This symbolize that PAP have turned their backs away from the people.
why do a sadako on her? It's pretty eerie. Wonder which school of journalism that is.
she is now trending in twitter.......
Tin has a white horse 2 sit on.
Wat did Chen have??
If PAP dare (which i doubt so) ..... put Tin in a SMC ..... n ..... c how pple gauge her.
Originally posted by FireIce:just waiting for someone to post the pix..................
Only left a few places got tat pic...
Most pics has been removed and deleted...
Hard to judge her thru her speech and only a very short notice of introduction to the public. She's young. But will she understand the needs of the pples plight and sufferring?
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
Only left a few places got tat pic...Most pics has been removed and deleted...
she should have removed all before the intro.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:she should have removed all before the intro.
Actually, someone sabo-ed her de...
arbo alot of ppl dunno de...
Originally posted by Clivebenss:she should have removed all before the intro.
it was an honest mistake.
but then, she is just a normal 27 yr old. rite?
Originally posted by FireIce:it was an honest mistake.
but then, she is just a normal 27 yr old. rite?
You don't seem to like her very much hor?
u think im jealous of her kate spade or birthdays in japan?
or her old husband?
凑çƒé—¹ nia
she not contesting in my estate.
but i was hoping to have exciting pre-elections like in taiwan, which got more juicy scandals
Originally posted by FireIce:u think im jealous of her kate spade or birthdays in japan?
or her old husband?
凑çƒé—¹ nia
she not contesting in my estate.
but i was hoping to have exciting pre-elections like in taiwan, which got more juicy scandals
Then you will have Dr Chee pulling Rina Tan's hair. Plus one mee siam full of hum flying across.