Originally posted by Ä«Õß:¸ïÀë:Mmm....... that is wat i tink too......
Many ppl just talk, say vote pap out but when voting day come, all vote pap.......
Fear of votes being tracked mah.
Originally posted by -StarDust-:
Fear of votes being tracked mah.
33% voted for opposition in 2006. So what are the things that PAP done to these voters? Take away their HDB? Break their iron rice bowl?
Originally posted by -StarDust-:
Fear of votes being tracked mah.
Then how???
Si liao loh.......???
Originally posted by Ä«Õß:¸ïÀë:Then how???
Si liao loh.......???
Becoming extinct soon!
Originally posted by tranquilice:
33% voted for opposition in 2006. So what are the things that PAP done to these voters? Take away their HDB? Break their iron rice bowl?
I hopw more this ge. Maybe 40% voted for opp.
Election activities heating up.
I like the picture.
Speaks volumes.
Originally posted by likeyou:
I hopw more this ge. Maybe 40% voted for opp.
I think this election is 45 % opp 55 % PAP.
PAP cannot do anything to opp supporters.
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:
I think this election is 45 % opp 55 % PAP.PAP cannot do anything to opp supporters.
opp supporters to PAP : You cannot catch me, nei neh nei neh bo bo...
Originally posted by kengkia:opp supporters to PAP : You cannot catch me, nei neh nei neh bo bo...
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:
I think this election is 45 % opp 55 % PAP.PAP cannot do anything to opp supporters.
Why bother doing anything?
Can make millions of dollars shaking legs in an aircon room with no accountability when anything goes wrong.
I wouldn't even lift a finger to do anything.
Originally posted by tranquilice:
33% voted for opposition in 2006. So what are the things that PAP done to these voters? Take away their HDB? Break their iron rice bowl?
I voted WP in 2006 but me still around in this world leh.......
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:
I think this election is 45 % opp 55 % PAP.PAP cannot do anything to opp supporters.
How many % must opp wins to get them into parliament.....?
We must match the % or else will be early doomsday for $inkapore......
name is Jaslyn Go. I was born in 1972. The third child. It was a joyous
occasion for the Go family. But the Government saw it differently. My
birth was an offence and my parents were fined a hefty sum of money.
This was because Mr Lee Kuan Yew insisted that families, especially if
you were not among the elite, could have only two children.
Fast forward to 2011. The same Mr Lee now laments that Singaporeans are not reproducing quickly enough. With only 1.2 births per person, Singaporeans cannot replace themselves. Our population decline did not just emerge from out of the blue. It took years of relentless and ruthless state intervention including, as in my mother’s case, punitive measures to stop Singaporeans from procreating.
Many couples, especially those in the lower-income and lower-educated groups, were pressed to undergo invasive, irreversible medical procedures such as ligation and sterilisation to prevent them from having more babies.
The PAP then discovered that it had miscalculated spectacularly; our birthrate was too low. We are the least fertile country in the world. (Only two other places are less fertile than Singapore –- Hong Kong (1.04) and Macau (0.91). But these are not countries, they are cities in China.)
The Government is now desperately reversing course. Now Singaporeans are suddenly urged to have more than two children.
This is the kind of political abomination – the playing with the people’s lives by this Government – that Singaporeans have had to suffer. Playing God is what the PAP has done and continues to do. It does this by making policy based on personal whims and opinions, not on research.
Population too stressed
Today our fertility rate is still too low. We need at least 2.1 births per person. At this rate, experts calculate, our economy won’t have enough people to sustain it.
The Government is providing monetary incentives for Singaporeans to produce more babies. Few seem to be biting. The reasons for younger Singaporeans not to have children are two-fold: life is too stressful and cost of living is prohibitive.
It is clear that the lifestyle in Singapore where the PAP drives Singaporeans on to achieve GDP growth is backfiring on the country. People are recoiling.
Take Ms Jean Heng, 30, a civil servant who says that life in Singapore is just too stressful: “Work takes up a huge amount of time and I have no energy to take care of kids. If I want to have kids, I would want to devote enough resources in terms of time and money.”
Experts agree say that the high cost of living is a main reason for couples shying away from raisin children. Professor Gavin Jones, a sociologist at the National University of Singapore, says that the high financial and opportunity cost deters young couples from having children.
With HDB flat prices going through the roof, how are couples starting off in life going to afford a home of their own? Without a home, how do you sart a family? Medical fees are escalating by the year and so are eductaion costs. Public transport is a nightmare nowadays and buying a car is insanely expensive.
To have children, it is a must for both spouses to work in order to meet with household expenses. Working parents have little time for their kids which begs the question: Why have children just to leave them un-parented?
The PAP doesn’t get it
So what does the PAP do? It opens the floodgates to foreigners so that we can create an instant population that would give us the number that the PAP wants to see. MM Lee, being the prime architect of this system, now tells us that we need to import younger immigrants.
This policy has destabilised the nation to the extent that Singapore is no longer a country for Singaporeans. It has become an outpost for all who want to come here to make money.
This is how the PAP is dragging the country down the drain. It first discourageous Singaporeans from having children. Then when it realises that our population is shrinking it brings in foreigners to replace us.
The PAP does all this with one and only one objective: To raise the GDP at all cost which is the only way it can legitimise its autocratic rule. Let’s not forget the raising the GDP directly raises the ministers’ salaries. But increasing the GDP doesn’t mean making Singaporeans richer.
There are consequences if we continue to let the PAP rule Singapore unchecked and these consequences will be horrendous for the nation. We must stop the PAP before it’s too late.
Jaslyn Go
*The writer is a SDP member.
**This article first appears in Singapore Democrats.
Yesterday, I managed to contact an old friend. He still keeps his old mobile phone number.
A couple of years back, he was a salesman, a real estate agent. Not the top, nonetheless a decent salesman. He did get a couple of awards here and there, some trophies like best sales, etc.
Blocks of flats in Jurong West.
At that point of time, the property prices in Singapore was booming. Especially with the Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats.
People are willing to pay extra monies on top of the market valuation.
A $30,000 above the valuation was a normal thing. As with any booming market, agents can make a good living.
The commission rate was typically 2% for selling and 1% for selling.
In Singapore, it was peculiar to get the same agent to do both the selling as well as buying houses for their clients.
So the agent could have sold the house for $400,000 and get 2% and from the family and look for another house for that same family and get a commission for it too.
All in all, she would get 3% for buying and selling from the same family. So if the total selling and buying is $700,000, she would get $21,000.
All she needed to do was to get 1 buy and sell a month, and she would be on easy street.
Things doesn’t always stay the same. The Housing and Development Board or HDB (so-called government agency that provided “subsidized” flat to Singaporeans) introduced a slew of measures to curb the runaway prices of government “subsidized” flat. Besides that there were the “loan” fixing and other underhand tactics too numerous to list here.
To cut the long story short, what used to take only 1 working adult 10 to 15 years to pay off the mortgage of a “subsidized” HDB flat; now takes 2 working adults 30 years to pay it off.
And by the time the couple hits “retirement”; their Central Provident Fund (CPF) savings are practically zero, though as a consolation their flat is fully paid.
And these retirees needed to work after retirement for their daily bread. It’s not a pretty picture. Old man and woman, struggling to go to work with a very minimum pay (not minimum wage).
Because of the changes and other factors, the HDB property market dried up.
During that time, when property prices were high, he bought a 4 room flat at an astronomical price of about $400,000.
A lot of people at that time, believed that their property will always go up. Coupled with a strong economy, people’s spending are more exuberant.
His sales plummet. For the past two years, he could not keep up with the mortgage. The arrears snowballed until it became the equivalent of more than a year’s mortgage.
One fine day, HDB decided to reposes his flat.
He did try to get a job. Unfortunately, he is a minority in Singapore.
When the economy picks up, the minority is the last to be hired; when the economy is down, the minority is the first to be fired.
The companies are only offering the very minimum pay and not minimum wage. He couldn’t make ends meet.
About six months ago, the HDB forcefully acquired his flat. His family of 5 kids, 1 wife got kicked out by the provider of “subsidized” flat.
Some stupid hack would think: “What happened to the good income he earned when he was an agent?”
As I said, only a stupid hack would ask that question.
Here’s the kicker:
He now rents an apartment in the neighboring country, Malaysia. Stays somewhere in Johor Bahru, Larkin.
His monthly rent? Monthly about RM600. I told him he could get cheaper if he rents a terrace house; the going rate is about RM300 to RM400.
Larkin, Johor Bahru, Bus Interchange
True, he told me. He doesn’t own a car and Larkin is a bus interchange to Singapore. Every morning, his SINGAPOREAN kids take service 170 to Singapore to attend school.
And for himself? He told me he now works part-time as a driver.
When someone tells you that they work part-time, you would probably think it’s either 8:00am to maybe 12:00pm or 12:00pm to 5:00pm.
That’s where you’re wrong. His part-time is from 10:00am to 9:00pm. I don’t know about you, that sounds like a full-time job to me.
After the forced selling of his house, he didn’t have enough money for the down payment of another “subsidized” flat. He apartment was forced-sold at a loss.
Furthermore, he isn’t entitled to another HDB concessionary loan. He has to get the housing loan from a bank (one of the changes that HDB instituted).
Banks would only loan money to rich people. His situation would be defined as a significant credit risk. Furthermore with him being in the middle age (50), nobody is willing to loan him money to be paid for the next 30 years.
The HDB have a curious rule that states you can’t rent any flat from them for 30 months after you have sold your flat.
For renting direct from HDB, the going rate is less than $100 a month.
On the so-called open market or not directly from HDB (the owner of the flat rents), the going rate for a room is about $400 to $600; a HDB apartment from upwards of $1,500 and above depending on the size of the flat.
If the flat is close to a bus interchange or an MRT station, be ready to pay a premium for it.
Relatives? You got to be joking. HDB flat is already way too small for a family, let alone for 2 families.
I’m sure there are other Singaporean economic refugees. I know of at least 2 more. They can’t afford the daily living expenses here, rents a place in Johor Bahru and daily commutes to Singapore for work.
Native Singaporeans being like permanent residents in their own native county, Singapore.
Submitted by Alternetviews
* This article first appeared on Alternetviews
Times are bad.
Originally posted by tranquilice:
33% voted for opposition in 2006. So what are the things that PAP done to these voters? Take away their HDB? Break their iron rice bowl?
Increase GST.
Yes, even those who voted for them will have to pay.
Pay and pay.
We are becoming slaves rather than citizens with a right, to question, transparency, and intergrity of the ruling party.
If we are of Swiss Standard, as promised, the Swiss have democracy, while we do not.
The promise was never delivered.
Is this our fault, Yes!, we forgot what we voted for or we believed that they would deliver. It never came.
There was no checking on them,. How could we?
No avenues and succumbed to suppresion.
No OP’S too, have a say, even if they did, the Papies are the decision
makers, as they are majority.
We became slaves then!
Slaves have to obey, we did it.
Slaves have to work long hours, we did.
Slaves have low salary, we did accept low wages.
Slaves have no time for family, we did.
Slaves cannot produce, we did.
Slaves childrens cannot have better life, we sacrificed.
Slaves childrens are no better than elites, we thought.
Slaves are Slaves are we?
Look at Papies and Civil Service:
They make many babies.
They get bonuses, we hardly could get one.
They work 5 days a week while we do not.They implemented this policy,
for all Singaporeans. 5 day work week.
Lost of jobs, to FT.
New citizens, replacing us.
No minimum wages.
Inflation at it’s highest.
Many , many more issues, we can do nothing about it.
Are we not SLAVES THEN?
A Slave
sad to hear such stories. did the guy who got flats reposses look for his MP?
if he did , and he cannot help, go fyuck him upside down!!!
my stake at this election is just few times to walk or drive to polling station and vote for my freedom, media freedom, vote against draconian laws, vote against immigrants, vote against influx of hot money into singpore property, voet against ERP, vote against Casino, vote against elitism. vote against minsterial salary.
i got so many reason to vote for opposition.
I have no reason to vote for PAP.
an more appropriate question to be asked is whether he had voted for PAP back in 2006, if so he deserved it.
Anyway i have reasons NOT to vote for PAP.
thunderstrike party irks me so much.
for loong term.
perhaps it is wishful thinking but I sincerely hope that the votes for the next election will be good enough to throw the ah dou out of his pm's position.
Pple can void their votes too. PAP scare of this pple too.