Originally posted by charlize:
Handful only. Too baseless to take into consideration.
PAP for goodies, vote them. Oppositions don't offer goodies.
Vote for the high value of HDB flats.
Originally posted by onźźa:Handful only. Too baseless to take into consideration.
PAP for goodies, vote them. Oppositions don't offer goodies.
Vote for the high value of HDB flats.
Hello uncle ;)
Originally posted by Honeygreentea:
Hello uncle ;)
The prices of the HDB flat have escalated by 300% for last 10 years
under PAP. Every 5 years term there will be an increase of 100 % on the
cost of the flat
Year 2000 3 rooms Flat at $100K
Year 2005 3 rooms Flat at $200K (100%)
Year 2010 3 rooms Flat at $300K (200%)
Year 2015 3 rooms Flat at $400K(300%)
As you can see from the figures, the prices of the flat will be increase 100%, 200% and 300% in 2015 every 5 years terms if PAP continue to be the ruling. Most people salaries are barely able to coup up with the rate of the increased property prices and escalating high cost of living.
They tie up the HDB flat pricing with your CPF money. How they do it?
(a) High HDB flats prices (This already done by PAP to allow more foreigners and through speculation)
Mah Bow Tan made a statement saying that higher property prices is good for the people?
(b) Delay on CPF Withdrawal Age to 65 (PAP already done). From the initial withdrawal age of 55 has been changed to 62. From 62 has been further delay to 65 in the recent years. According to Lim Boon Heng, the withdrawal age will again be delayed to 68.
(c) From 1 July 2010, CPF Minimum Sum will be raise to $123,000 (this is 50% of the 3 room resale HDB flat) and will gradually increase to link to the appreciation of HDB prices to lock our life long savings. The excuse given that people are having longer lifespan. (This is already done by PAP)
Example: Minimum CPF sum and the HDB prices
Current price of 3 room resale HDB flat = S$300K
If you sell your house at old age:
50% ($150K) downgrade for living expenses and medical bills (actual net worth of your house)
50% ($150K) lock up in the CPF Minimum Sum (govt piggy bank)
On paper value; it appears that we will benefit from high property prices. But we only get 50% when we sell the flat as the balance goes to the govt who take 50% of the profit for their own investment.
(d) This will be the most dangerous stage as the old CPF scheme converts to CPF life long annuity plan to control Singaporeans and the money will be lost forever. (This has not been implemented as yet but will definitely go through if they win in the election).
Under the old CPF scheme, the spouse will get the CPF monies should the husband/wife passed away
Example, you have $123,000 in your CPF account and the estate duties is 10%. Your spouse will receive $110,700 in the event when you passed away.
For the new CPF annuity plan, it is an insurance plan. Everybody put $123K into the pool. Let’s say retirement is 65 and pass away at 70 years old. Under the old CPF scheme, the amount will be returned to my spouse ($89,100 based on the monthly payout of $400 and after deducting the estate duties of 10%). But under the new CPF annuity plan, our money will go back to the pool and lost forever even though we can nominate the beneficiaries. It is not clearly specified as the scheme is very vague as to how much the beneficiaries will receive (it could be $1K or $10K up to our PAP govt’s discretion)
This money belongs to us, there is something very fishy as to why our govt is so obsessed with our CPF monies? The monthly payout of $400 is hardly enough in this high cost of living. And if you die early, you will not be able to enjoy your life long savings as all the money will go back to pool/govt in 1 cycle.
This is also very important in order to stop the increasing property prices from enriching their ministerial salaries for the next 5 years, otherwise everybody will lead a dog life. They will sure implement the “CPF live long annuity plan to replace the old CPF withdrawal scheme”.
In other words they will use the new scheme to convert your money to become their money to control you. Everybody will work like a slave till death with no money to pay for the expensive medical bill at old age.
If you complain about the high cost of living, they will take this excuse to import more FT/FW because of fewer babies to increase their income and GDP growth. Therefore we have to vote a new coalition govt form by all alternative parties (except the fake opposition wayang parties) to improve our quality of life till our ripe old age.
Under the current system, no matter how hard we work, it is still not enough to satisfy the PAP govt. If we miss this opportunity, we will never make it forever with the influx of the New Singaporeans.
The elite will continue to rule the country because they have plenty of money and in power, and the poor will get poorer and poorer as they cannot compete with them. If you are greedy for the election goodies, you will lose your soul and sell your life away. Our system needs to reboot and revamp with new parties (coalition govt) with the repeated errors and mistakes made by the PAP govt (no accountabilities and transparency) and also to abolish elitism under the 1 party system.
That is why this election is very critical for every citizen to decide
the type of fate and future they want. “To have a new life or to be a
walking dead”.
used to be PR five years ago before I converted to be a citizen.
Meanwhile I have strong ability at Japanese and Chinese (I am not a
mainland Chinese) as I was trained and educated in this two languages
but I have no strong ground in English as I never gone through education
system of Singapore.My whole families converted to be Singapore
citizen.Since then, I lost my job. My full time job taken by dependent
pass holder & EP holders.
I forced to take up part time job and lived apart with family by studying overseas for two years.My partner’s job was taken by foreigner too, he is on contract job until next July.
I have got a job after coming back from overseas, the working place located in Singapore, but they laid me off two months later as my pay is too high for them and I am not a Japanese.
How ridiculous the reason given to me, the whole section are only filled with Japanese people.Young Japanese like to take up an overseas position with pretty low pay just for fun. And as I know some of the Japanese companies in Singapore hiring 100%(EPs & PR,some only EPS holders) their own people. They treat Singapore like their home. Money flow in to our country, we should feel happy right?? Government always persuades us to sacrifice for the nation.
Am I thinking too much?Sometimes I am really depress( as I cant accept myself out of job or working part time.Not sure whether it’s a pride problem.And also I am worrying about the future of my nephews and my son”s though I am still very young.
If VOTE PAP OUT could change the environment, I would vote for it!
I am not good at handling frustration and depression caused by outward environment, but hope to share with you the following statement which can comforting me sometimes.
Matthew 6:34
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Cheers for today.
Depressed (new) citizen
God Help SG:
The is the vicious cycle of the policies to import foreigners to replace the Singaporean population in term of employment and social well being.
The naive foreigners who has converted to Singaporean, will lost the verge over foreigners like the authentic citizen, to compete for employment,especially in the later part of life.
Those smarter foreigners who has converted, will take it as a springboard for future migration to a more developed country with freedom, comfortable life style and social security.
The expectation for a new citizen is to cast their vote for the ruling party during election to thank for their policies and priviledged for them to become a Singaporean. On the other hand, the authentic citizen has lost the faith and hopes that the damaging policies will change soon, but expecting the worst instead.
So, it is time for the new citizens to take turn to voice their concerns and hardship, because it is too late to U turn for the decision made, unless you migrate again.
Welcome to SG!
建国åˆ�期,百业待兴。行动党在æˆ�为执政党å�Žï¼Œä¾¿ç§¯æž�使用土地å¾�æ”¶æ³•ï¼Œå¼ºåˆ¶ä»¥è¶…ä½Žä»·æ ¼å�‘å�„个大å°�地主å¾�收
土地以便供国家å�‘展。为了补å�¿è¿™ä¸€äº›æ–°åŠ å�¡äººä¸ºå›½å®¶å�‘展所å�šå‡ºçš„牺牲,政府与人民达æˆ�了ä¸�明文规定的社会契约,那就是政府会为人民æ��供优质廉价,甚至是å�—
æ”¿åºœæŠŠæ°¸ä¹…åœ°å¥‘çš„åœŸåœ°ä»¥è¶…ä½Žä»·æ ¼å¾�收回æ�¥ï¼Œç„¶å�Žä»¥99年地契的组屋出售给人民,这ç§�社会主义的土地改é�©å’Œå»ºåˆ¶å¯¹äºŽæˆ‘ä»¬ä¸–ä¸–ä»£ä»£æ–°åŠ å�¡äººçš„ä½�屋需求æ��供了ä¿�障。如果没有我们先辈对土地的牺牲,我们å�ƒå�ƒä¸‡ä¸‡çš„å�Œèƒžå’Œæˆ‘们的å�Žä»£ä¾¿æ²¡æ³•æœ‰è¶³å¤Ÿçš„ä½�屋了。
æ”¿åºœä¹Ÿä»Žè¿™ä»¥è¶…ä½Žä»·æ ¼å¾�收土地ä¸å¾—益良多。到目å‰�为æ¢ï¼Œæ”¿åºœå·²ä»Žå¾�收廉价土地ä¸ç´¯ç§¯è¶…过80%的国土ï¼�æˆ‘å›½å‡ å�ƒäº¿çš„储备金ä¸ï¼Œæœ‰ä¸€å¤§éƒ¨ä»½æ˜¯ä¹°å�–土地 的收益ï¼� 这也就是为什么政府有责任和义务为世世代代的国人æ��供廉价组屋。我们也ä¸�期望政府äº�钱,但至少必须以æˆ�本价æ��ä¾›ä½�屋给国人。就算è¦�从组屋用地赚点利æ�¯å›ž 报,它也必须以å�ˆç�†çš„è®¡ç®—æ³•è®¡ç®—åœŸåœ°ä»·æ ¼ç»™å»ºå±‹å±€ã€‚
政府与建屋局在建国åˆ�20å¹´é‡Œçš„ç¡®å±¥è¡Œäº†å®ƒå¯¹è¿™ç¤¾ä¼šå¥‘çº¦çš„ä¹‰åŠ¡å’Œè´£ä»»ã€‚æˆ‘ä»¬çš„çˆ¶è¾ˆçš„ç¡®ä»¥å»‰ä»·çš„ä»·æ ¼å�‘建屋局买到了组屋。我们父辈能以少过15年的按æ�买到他们心仪的房å�。这基本上解决了国人的ä½�屋需求。
但是一è¸�å…¥1990年代,行动党å�´ä»¥“资产增值”为利诱,说æœ�国人组屋å�‡å€¼æ˜¯å¥½äº‹ï¼Œç§¯æž�å�‘展组屋转售市场,更以“组屋翻新”为竞选伎俩。但是新组屋 ä»·æ ¼ä¹Ÿæ‚„ 然地猛涨两三å€�以上ï¼�以往行动党所ä¾�èµ–çš„“组屋津贴”政治资本é€�æ¸�ç«™ä¸�ä½�脚了。在å��对党议员屡次挑战这“组屋津贴”的神è¯�å�Žï¼Œè¡ŒåŠ¨å…šæ‰�婉转的以“市场津 è´´”æ�ªå¡žã€‚说穿了,这“市场津贴”也å�ªæ˜¯ä»Žå¸‚场给以“折扣”而已。行动党政府还是从买组屋ä¸ç‰Ÿåˆ©ã€‚å…³é”®å°±åœ¨åœŸåœ°ä»·æ ¼çš„åˆ¶å®šä¸Šã€‚
æ–°åŠ å�¡åœŸåœ°æœ‰é™�,政府å�ˆæ˜¯æœ€å¤§çš„地主。政府基本上垄æ–了土地市场的供应。从ç»�济常ç�†çœ‹æ�¥ï¼ŒåœŸåœ°ä»·æ ¼åœ¨è¿™ç§�情况下肯定会éš�ç�€æ—¶é—´ä»¥è¶…过ç»�济和国民平å�‡è–ªé‡‘æˆ�长的速度飙å�‡ï¼�
这也就å��æ˜ åœ¨ç»„å±‹ä»·æ ¼ä¸Žå›½æ°‘ä¸é—´æ”¶å…¥å¢žé•¿æ—¥ç›Šæ‰©å¤§çš„å·®è·�。从1990至2009的统计看æ�¥ï¼Œå›½æ°‘ä¸é—´æ”¶å…¥å�ªå¢žé•¿äº†ä¸€å€�而组屋转售价竟然å�‡è¶…过三å€�ï¼�由于新组屋是以市场转售价给以折扣,所以新组屋也应该å�‡äº†ä¸‰å€�或更多ï¼�如果是以1980年代为基准的è¯�,那这差è·�肯定会更大ï¼�
这扩大的差è·�也å��æ˜ åœ¨æŒ‰æ�å¹´é™�é€�æ¸�的延长上。我们父辈å�ªé¡»15年或更低的按æ�,在1990年代买组屋的我这一代就需付上20年的按æ�。到了这世纪åˆ�至今,我们的新一代就必须给30年的按æ�奴役了ï¼�
如今这30å¹´æˆ¿å±‹è´·æ¬¾å°†ä½¿æˆ‘ä»¬å¹´è½»å›½äººæ— æ³•æœ‰è¶³å¤Ÿé’±åœ¨è€�时养è€�ï¼�如果他们30å²�结婚,è¦�到60å²�æ‰�能把房贷还清ï¼�他们还能有多少公积金储蓄æ�¥å…»è€�? 如果按照 马å®�山部长的说法,组屋å�¯æ˜¯“投资”,我们能å�–房å�å…»è€�,那么我们ä¸�是è¦�祈求房价能一直勇往直å‰�,继ç»å¾€ä¸Šç‹‚å�‡å�—?姑且ä¸�谈这ç§�期望屋价ä¸�æ–上涨的妄想是 å�¦ä¸�切实际,但是试想想,è¦�是真是如æ¤ï¼Œæˆ‘们的å�å™å�Žä»£æ˜¯ä¸�是è¦�付上更长的按æ�æ‰�能买到组屋å�—?40年还是50年按æ�?如果让行动党政府继ç»å¦‚æ¤æ�žä¸‹åŽ»çš„ è¯�,我们的å�å™å�Žä»£ä¾¿é¡»ä»˜å‡ºæ²‰é‡�的代价ï¼�
forget it... majority of singaporean are chinese and chinese are famous for what???
no one even offer mi that 3 bowl of plain rice with luncheon meat yet...i'm willing to serve the nation but yet no one pm mi.. knn... u think anyone really cares about the ppl?? all just cares about their money lah... so forget it... PAP will be staying....
1. You are considered a “talent” while Singaporeans are regarded as “lazy”, “complacent”, “lesser mortals”.
2. Your chances of getting a job is much better than a Singaporean since you are “cheaper”, though not necessarily “faster, better”.
3. You can get a PR as short as 2 months, even without needing to serve NS! Where else in the world can you get such a deal??
4. As a PR, you can buy a HDB flat with the govt’s grant, even if you are single and below 35 years of age.
5. You can send your children to either a local or international school, while Singaporeans are not allowed to attend international schools unless given special permission by the MOE.
6. You can get free scholarships without bonds, while many Singaporeans struggle to pay off their student loans.
7. You have the best of both worlds, your homeland and here, especially your homeland when in a time of crisis, while many Singaporeans have no choice but to be stuck here.
8. Your opinions about Singapore and Singaporeans will be in the headlines while Singaporeans’ complaints about you take the backseat.
9. You can diss Singaporeans all you want, and still the PAP will kiss your feet.
10. Singaporeans will soon be at your mercy since the foreign population here at 40%, will in a short time, be the majority.
(An interesting thing to note that as a PR, under HOTA (this includes all Singaporeans), your organs will be used for donation once you die unless you opt out. But you’ve lived your life to feed off the benefits this country has given you anyway, so who cares? You should be more than happy to!)
This madness has got to stop.
Hopeless Sinkaporean
will make it short and simple. I am a well travelled guy in my 40s,
having graduated with a masters in psychology from a prestigious US
university. I have lived in countries like Australia and UK. What i
am going to tell u is not a conspiracy theory , This is a call , do not
be hoodwinked by the immigration policy. The real agenda is to make
locals dependent on the foreigners. The foreigners know it too, in fact
some did explained the scenario to me, including close friends who work
in stat boards who seem to agree.
How is this being done? The locals are currently 60% and the foreigners are around 40% . The excuse is being low birth rate. But the flawed immigration policy is contributing to even lower birth rates. When the number increases to 60 % foreigners and 40 % locals, the impact is going to be disastrous. Currently the integration between locals and foreigners failed. It had failed in Australia and Germany.
Why does one have to think it will succeed here even when the other countries have some sort of policies to protect their own citizens from the immigration impact . It is even worst here where foreigners do not pay significantly higher taxes to support locals. We are heading towards a scenario where in the future , locals may have to marry foreigners , give our homes to them, rely on them for job opportunities and put our children in schools taught by them, work in companies where they are the bosses while not benefitting in any way, . That’s the plan. Rest assured new policies will be introduced to ensure that .
Do not be hoodwinked. They always had some social engineering in society for the last few decades to ensure compliance to authorities. The immigration policy is one of them . Do what is necessary to avoid the scenario before it’s too late.
It is about your own life and your children’s. Your country, your birth rights. The group of locals who can help u , are the opposition , locals like u. If u do not want to come to the streets , be warned.
be the foreigner.....be.....
Cost of living still a major problem for most of the family (low income group).
It is time that govt review all the fees, to reduce the fees to help the pple to cope with the cost of living.
A political party is only as good as its leaders are. The present PAP is a pale shadow of its former self and has ceased to be a political party altogether.
It is merely a political vehicle for a single man to govern the country. No PAP member can ever hope to rise up in its ranks without prior approval from this man.
The PAP has been enjoying a “good life” for far too long without any opposition in parliament to check on it.
Due to the lack of political competition, it has become complacent with many of its leaders losing touch with the ground and forgetting that they are put into power by the people in the first place.
There is little accountability or transparency in Singapore’s present political system which resembles more like a third world dictatorship than a first world democracy.
All institutions of the state are controlled by the PAP directly or indirectly such as the police, media, civil society, grassroots organizations and trade unions.
Repressive laws are put in place to curtail the civil and political liberties of citizens under the guise of “public order and safety”.
It is not a surprise that Singapore is described as a “textbook example of a politically repressive state” by respected international NGO Human Rights Watch recently in its annual report.
The entire set-up is put in place to perpetuate the PAP’s rule forever so as to prevent an alternative center of power from emerging to challenge it.
Even Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong admitted himself that Singapore is better off being dominated by a single party than multi-party politics.
Law Minister Shanmugam defended Singapore’s political system on the basis that it needs an “efficient” government which makes fast decisions.
The stunning policy reversals made by the PAP recently is a testament to the failure of a rigid one-party system over-dependent on a 86 year old “forecaster extraordinarie” to think out of the box, anticipate future problems and to inspire an entire nation to follow its leadership.
Based on current policy trends and direction, the following stands a higher chance of happening than PAP distributing our reserves to every citizen if we were to allow the PAP to rule Singapore for another fifty years:
1. Native Singaporeans will become a minority:
Due to the PAP’s liberal immigration and pro-foreigner policies, foreigners now make up 36 per cent of Singapore’s population, up from 14 per cent in 1990. Of the remaining 64 per cent who are citizens, an increasing proportion are born overseas.
The birth rates of native Singaporeans, especially the ethnic Chinese, continue to decrease despite a slew of government incentives introduced to encourage them to bear more children while the PAP has promised only to “slow down” the inflow of immigrants.
At the rate they are mass importing foreigners elsewhere to take up Singapore citizenship, it is only a matter of time before native Singaporeans fall below 50 per cent of the population. In fact the day is not too far away.
With Singaporeans becoming a minority in their own country, it will become increasingly difficult for them to vote out the increasingly unpopular PAP which is actively wooing PRs and new citizens by roping them into grassroots organizations in a desperate bid to hang on to power
2. Brain drain will accelerate:
According to figures from the Home Affairs Ministry, there are about 180,000 Singaporeans working overseas, many of whom are unlikely to return.
About 1,000 Singaporeans give up their citizenships yearly and the number is set to rise in the coming years.
In an interview done by the Straits Times two years ago, more than 50 per cent of youths interviewed had expressed thoughts of emigrating.
Common reasons cited include stressful living conditions, lack of social security in old age and a repressive political climate.
Contrary as to what the PAP would like to believe, the degree of political freedom in a country is an important factor in keeping and attracting world class talents, few of whom want to live forever under the shadow of a totalitarian state.
Furthermore, there is an increasing number of unhappy, frustrated and angry Singaporeans who are voting with their feet because they have given up hope of voting the PAP out of office altogether.
The PAP is replacing the talented Singaporeans who left with second and third class “talents” from China and India which will surely decrease the quality of our “stock” in the long run.
How can Singapore expect to compete with China, India and its neighbors when it is importing “inferior” talents from them while its own talented people are emigrating in droves? The future of Singapore is becoming indeed bleaker and bleaker with each passing day.
3. Widening income gap between the rich and the poor:
Under PAP rule, Singapore’s income gap between the rich and the poor has widened considerably over the last two decades.
Singapore now has the highest income gap among the thirty most developed countries in the world due to the PAP’s lop-sided economic policies which favor big businesses at the expense of ordinary citizens.
It is widely acknowledged among economists that Singapore’s phenomenal economic growth over the last few years is a result of its open-door policies to foreign workers which help to keep labor costs down thereby boosting the GDP growth figures artificially.
The relentless influx of cheap foreign labor has depressed the wages of ordinary Singaporeans which remain stagnant at $2,600 monthly.
The PAP doesn’t seem to be concerned about the implications of Singapore’s widening income gap as illustrated by Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew’s reply to a question on it at a Kent Ridge Ministerial Forum last year.
He said that Singapore’s widening income gap is an “inevitable consequence” of globalization and it mattered little so long the government continues to create jobs for Singaporeans.
He forgot the fact that some jobs offer too low a pay to afford a decent standard of living in Singapore and that Japan, South Korea and Taiwan have been exposed to globalization too and yet they have a much narrower income gap than Singapore.
Singapore will soon become only a playground for the rich ruling elites and foreigners while the poor continue to slog day in and out to pay for the roofs over their heads.
4. More and more expensive HDB flats:
Due to limited supply of new flats and rising demand fueled by immigration, the prices of HDB flats have sky-rocketed in recent years.
Despite widespread frustration, worries and resentment on the ground, the PAP has refused to even acknowledge the problem.
National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan continues to insist that HDB flats remain “affordable” to ordinary Singaporeans though he admitted that he was “caught off guard” by the recent spikes in prices.
His deputy Senior Minister of State Grace Fu said the price appreciation is a “good thing” for Singaporeans as it help “create wealth” for them which can only be unlocked if they emigrate out of the country.
Law Minister Shanmugam claimed he had a “hunch” that Singaporeans are responsible for the sky-rocketing prices when it is the PRs who are “spoiling” the market as admitted later by MM Lee himself.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said there is nothing his administration can do to control prices in the resale market when all it needs to do is to increase the supply of new flats, housing subsidies and income ceiling.
At the rate the prices are going up, HDB flats will soon cost more than $1 million dollars in the not too distant future thereby plunging Singaporeans into greater debts.
The PAP is unlikely to bring down prices because it will spark an outcry among earlier buyers who have bought their flats at exorbitant prices and hence prices will continue to go up in the future.
Unfortunately, the wages of ordinary Singaporeans are unlikely to keep pace with the increase in HDB flat prices and Singaporeans will have to pay through their teeth for a 99-year old leasehold property which do not belong to them in the first place.
5. Uncertain and insecure future, especially in old age:
Though Singapore is the second richest nation in Asia after Japan and its two giant sovereign wealth funds GIC and Temasek Holdings can afford to lose billions of dollars of national reserves in failed overseas investments, Singaporeans, its citizens enjoy few social welfare benefits especially in public healthcare.
Despite repeated claims by the PAP that public healthcare is affordable to Singaporeans, there are increasing concerns on the ground that their savings may be depleted by hefty medical expenses.
Indeed there is a common saying among Singaporeans that “one can afford to die, but not fall ill in Singapore.”
With stagnant wages, increase in cost of living and little savings left after paying for over-priced HDB flats, Singaporeans from the middle and lower income group face an uncertain and insecure future ahead of them, especially in old age.
There is no job security in Singapore. Regardless of one’s qualifications, one can easily get replaced by a cheaper “foreign talent” in their 30s, 40s or 50s and force to take up a lower-paying job.
There is no security in old age and unless one belongs to the top 10 per cent of the earners in Singapore, one is expected to work for as long as it takes till the day they drop dead and die. Is this all life is about?
The Singapore government can well afford to increase spending on social welfare to provide cheaper public healthcare and to assist the needy, but has blatantly refused to do so.
Is this the kind of life you want for yourself, your children and grandchildren under another 50 years of uninterrupted PAP rule without any checks and balances?
6. Viability of Singapore as a nation is becoming a suspect:
It took us 50 years to forge a common identity as Singaporeans, but this good work done by past PAP leaders is being dismantled bit by bit by the relentless influx of foreigners which has diluted Singapore’s national identity.
There is little time to integrate all the newcomers because too many of them have come within too short a period of time.
As there are already substantial number of them in Singapore, they tend to congregate among themselves instead of reaching out to other Singaporeans.
We are already seeing ethnic enclaves emerging in the HDB heartlands and the situation is likely to worsen in the future.
With native Singaporeans leaving en masse and being replaced by economic migrants from third world countries, the viability of Singapore as a nation is becoming a suspect.
Singapore is becoming more like a playground for the rich and connected and a hotel for the foreigners than a home for Singaporeans.
When native Singaporeans are struggling daily just to make ends meet, it is difficult to expect them to have any sense of belonging to the country.
To compound matters, with China and India becoming more developed and prosperous, the brain drain is starting to reverse with Singapore Chinese and Indians flocking there to work, live and retire.
There is already a sizable Singapore community in the Pearl River Delta region of China and the number will probably set to grow in the coming years.
As the PAP continues to build Singapore as an economic paradise for big businesses, it has forgotten how human nature works: human beings will always seek a better life and security is foremost on their minds when they decide where to plant their roots.
This will be where our country is heading to if we allow the PAP to rule Singapore for another fifty years.
GIC and Temasek may still have billions of reserves in their kitties, but what significance do they have if we do not have a nation to speak of?
Times are bad.
dead wood.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:dead wood.
S'poreans................or sheeps.......................live like sheep...................die like sheep................
Originally posted by charlize:Who?
dead wood lor.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:dead wood lor.
kayu mati
Originally posted by FBFIce:
kayu mati
in Hokkien lao cha tow.
The figures on the levies earned by the government is astounding.
Originally posted by charlize:http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/02/how-about-richer-kinder-slower/
The figures on the levies earned by the government is astounding.
they needed it to raise their ministerial incomes.
The odds of PAP winning big time have just been raised. The nine menbers that left Reform Party are important and key personnels, so the party's ambitions will be severely tested.
With the possibility of Election being held in May, this is bad newe.
I'm not sure whether they will join other parties, but time is running out so if other parties are imterested, please make a run for them if possible.