Let me guess...
Chua Chu Kang GRC - NSP win 52%
Jurong GRC - PAP win 65%
Marine Parade GRC - PAP win 61%
Tampines GRC - PAP win 61%
Mountbatten SMC - NSP win 52%
Pioneer SMC - NSP win 53%
Radin Mas SMC - PAP win 60%
Whampoa SMC - PAP win 60%
West Coast GRC - PAP win 63%
Ang Mo Kio GRC - PAP win 63%
Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC - PAP win 72%
Punggol East SMC - PAP win 45%, WP 40%, SDA 15%
Holland-Bukit Timah GRC - PAP win 59%
Sembawang GRC - PAP win 60%
Bukit Panjang SMC - PAP win 66%
Yuhua SMC - PAP win 68%
Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC - PAP win 61%
Hong Kah North SMC - PAP win 65%
Potong Pasir SMC - SPP win 52%
Aljunied GRC - WP win 52%
East Coast GRC - PAP win 59%
Moulmein-Kallang GRC - PAP win by 55%
Nee Soon GRC - PAP win 55%
Hougang SMC - WP win 58%
Joo Chiat SMC - PAP win 60%
Punggol East SMC - PAP win 45%, WP 40%, SDA 15%
Sengkang West SMC - PAP win 51%
WP - 6 Seats
NSP - 7 Seats
Total: 13 seats
out of 87 won by oppositions.
Total PAP win: 59%
Wow, those prediction if comes true, no opp will be in except thru the back door.
Pap will drop to less than 61%.
I'm guessing PAP this time will get 55% to 58% of total votes.
Originally posted by charlize:Incumbent party to crush all opposition by at least 70% in all battles.
Sure or not?
If PAP can get 70% in Aljunied GRC and Hougang SMC, that means the votes are rigged.
Much closer man......And I'm expecting that the PAP's percentage share may drop from 66% the last time around to around 60-63%....Or even much lesser,as the people nowadays had been preferring the opps as alternative voices in Parliament,even the SPP which decided on one,Bishan......
But don't you want Desmond Choo for Hougang???He's much popular around,even with his good Teochew....As for Aljunied GRC,we'll see if Low Thia Khiang's team may win up against the PAP by much closer...I don't think so....So why you really want CCK to fall into NSP hands???Tampines is yet another and if NSP may stay in Moulmein-Kallang,this will be another...Mountbatten is yet much strategic,but why don't want Lim Biow Chuan to take up??
I'm appreciating Chiam's move to Bishan from his stronghold,and let his wife takes over...What a dynasty but I'm sure PAP will win by quite close,of either 61 or even 62%...How nice to see all predicts that may be much greater,but can't it wait by next Saturday????SDA may be losing much bigger enough with only 2 components left,Desmond Lim may lose quite a deposit,enable Michael Palmer to win much closer in Punggol East and Pasir Ris-Punggol,Teo Chee Hean's team may be winning by a very stunning result,the highest of all...Should WP stands off,PAP may win easily against the SDA...And should Tanjong Pagar be contested by the SDA under Ng Teck Siong,the PAP may have winning the LARGEST share of all....And should SDA stays in Radin Mas and Sengkang West,that's a different story....
Then coming 2016,should the SDP led by Dr Chee Soon Juan comes over to Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC,what may be the outcome,so does the SDP in Tanjong Pagar for the first time after almost 25 years of walkovers....???Right now,things may be getting in consideration with absolute predicts telling the PAP may drop down and lose some GRCs except for Bishan itself...Should SDP take Bishan by this year,it may be much revolutionary...
Mr K. Frankly speaking, I like your style. Straight, honest and true.
You must have a Crystal Ball like the one Low SK mentioned about SM have. I would like to have one to buy 4D, if you wouldn't mind to tell me where you bought it.
We don't have so many 5 years..so if the oppositions still don't concentrate on their issues that really concerned Singapore Singaporeans. I think your crystal ball will be bright crystal clear on the night of 7th May.
Let love Singapore together.
Predicts for the 2016 elections
90 seats may be up,and total number of SMCs may be up from 12 to 14-16 SMCs and there will be at least 2-3 or 4 4 member-GRCs,a 6-member GRC and mostly 5-member GRCs...
Possibly that Aljunied might be down to 4 members,as Serangoon might be carved out to form a 4-member GRC...Potong Pasir may be joining the Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC...Braddell Heights,Simei and Thomson may be carved out to be SMCs,even a newly created SMC out of part of Radin Mas and Tanjong Pagar GRC,resurrected Bukit Merah SMC...Might MM Lee stepped down and becoming adviser to groom up newbies for the future elections until his 100th year,Tanjong Pagar GRC may be seeing a first contest which may be led by Mr Chan Chun Sing,a potential PM candidate for the next generation or even a woman Speaker of Parliament...
Aljunied GRC-PAP vs WP(to win back which has been taken over..Low Thia Khiang vs Lim Hng Kiang???)
Ang Mo Kio-Cheng San GRC:PAP vs SPP/NSP/SDA
Bishan - Toa Payoh GRC:PAP vs SDP/SPP
Chua Chu Kang GRC:PAP vs NSP/Reform
East Coast GRC:PAP vs WP-second attempt to take over after Aljunied GRC..
Holland - Bukit Timah GRC:PAP vs SDP
Jurong GRC:PAP vs SDP/Reform/NSP
Marine Parade GRC:PAP vs SDA/SF/NSP
Moulmein - Kallang GRC:PAP vs NSP(Tony Tan Lay Thiam vs Dr Yaacob??)
Pasir Ris - Punggol GRC:PAP vs SDA/WP/NSP
Serangoon GRC(should it been created out,might be a brand new GRC..):PAP vs SPP/WP
Sembawang-Woodlands GRC:PAP vs SDP(to be confirmed...)
Tampines GRC:PAP vs NSP/WP
Tanjong Pagar GRC(minus MM Lee?):PAP vs SDP/Reform/SF
West Coast GRC: PAP vs Reform/NSP
Braddell Heights SMC:PAP vs SPP/NSP/SF
Bukit Merah SMC:PAP vs Reform/NSP/SF
Bukit Panjang SMC:PAP vs SDP
Hong Kah North SMC:PAP vs SPP/NSP/Reform
Hougang SMC-PAP vs WP
Joo Chiat SMC:PAP vs WP/SDA
Mountbatten SMC:PAP vs NSP/SF/SDA
Pioneer SMC: PAP vs Reform/NSP/SDP
Punggol East SMC: PAP vs WP/SDA
Radin Mas SMC: PAP vs SDA/NSP/Reform/SF
Sengkang West SMC: PAP vs WP/SDA
Thomson SMC:PAP vs SPP/SDP
Whampoa SMC: PAP vs NSP/SDP/SF
Yuhua SMC: PAP vs NSP/SDP/Reform
A newly created SMC within the central zone-PAP vs WP/NSP/SDP/SPP
Worker's Party-Aljunied,East Coast,Nee Soon,Pasir Ris-Punggol,Serangoon and Tampines GRCs,Hougang,Joo Chiat,Simei and Sengkang West
National Solidarity Party-Chua Chu Kang,Jurong,Moulmein-Kallang,Marine Parade ,Tampines and West Coast GRCs,Braddell Heights,Mountbatten and Whampoa
Singapore Democratic Party-Holland-Bukit Timah,Jurong,Sembawang-Woodlands and Tanjong Pagar GRCs,Bukit Panjang and Yuhua
Singapore People's Party-Ang Mo Kio,Bishan-Toa Payoh and Serangoon GRCs,Braddell Heights,Hong Kah North and Thomson
Singapore Democratic Alliance-Marine Parade and Pasir Ris-Punggol GRCs,Punggol East and Sengkang West
Socialist Front-Tanjong Pagar GRC and Bukit Merah
Reform Party-Tanjong Pagar and West Coast GRCs,Bukit Merah,Pioneer and Radin Mas
Originally posted by Mr K:2016 PLANS FOR OPPOSITION.......
Worker's Party-Aljunied,East Coast,Nee Soon,Pasir Ris-Punggol,Serangoon and Sembawang-Woodlands GRCs,Hougang,Joo Chiat,Simei and Sengkang West
National Solidarity Party-Ang Mo Kio,Chua Chu Kang,Moulmein-Kallang,Marine Parade,Nee Soon and Tampines GRCs,Braddell Heights,Mountbatten,Pioneer and Whampoa
Singapore Democratic Party-Bishan-Toa Payoh,Holland-Bukit Timah,Jurong,Nee Soon,Sembawang-Woodlands and Tanjong Pagar GRCs,Bukit Merah,Bukit Panjang,Thomson and Yuhua
Singapore People's Party-Ang Mo Kio,Bishan-Toa Payoh,Chua Chu Kang and Serangoon GRCs,Braddell Heights,Hong Kah North and Thomson
Singapore Democratic Alliance-Marine Parade and Pasir Ris-Punggol GRCs,Punggol East and Sengkang West
Socialist Front-Marine Parade and Tanjong Pagar GRCs,Braddell Heights,Mountbatten,Radin Mas and Whampoa
Reform Party-Chua Chu Kang,Tampines,Tanjong Pagar and West Coast GRCs,Bukit Merah,Pioneer and Radin Mas
Possible opposition targets as suggested...
Instead on focusing on single SMCs and GRCs, the opps could instead focus on an area to target to get more support from the people.
Workers Party did well this election... in most constituencies contested they managed to get 40+% of the vote. Most of the constituencies contested were in the east. I think Workers Party could continue working with the people in the east to gain their support. Aljunied GRC and Hougang SMC are great places to start.
National Solidarity Party could focus on the west. Even though they did quite well in Tampines and Marine Parade GRC, I feel it is better to leave Workers Party to the east. The west are often uncontested. If National Solidarity Party can work the ground there, it might turn the tide in their favour.
Singapore Democratic Party could work on the Central-Northern areas. This election, the image of SDP have improved. I believe if they work on their image and work the ground more, they can gain more trust from the voters there.
Singapore Peoples' Party, Singapore Democratic Alliance, Reform Party and Socialist Front should form a coalition. Singapore Peoples' Party was once under the Singapore Democratic Alliance banner. Also, when Chiam See Tong was chairman of Singapore Democratic Alliance, he attempted to bring Reform Party in. Socialist Front chairman Ng Teck Siong initially attempted to contest Tanjong Pagar GRC with candidates from Singapore Democratic Alliance. I believe when these 4 parties form an alliance together, they can share their stronger candidates with each other. This will allow them to have a greater chance to win SMCs and even GRCs. Singapore Peoples' Party did quite well in Bishan-Toa Payoh, realistically speaking. I believe they could contest in the Central-Southern areas.
Possible opp plans for 2016 elections...
Worker's Party-Aljunied,East Coast,Nee Soon,Pasir Ris-Punggol,Serangoon, and Tampines GRCs,Hougang,Joo Chiat,Simei and Sengkang West
National Solidarity Party-Chua Chu Kang,Moulmein-Kallang,Marine Parade,Jurong,Tampines and West Coast GRCs,Braddell Heights,Mountbatten,Pioneer and Whampoa
Singapore Democratic Party-Holland-Bukit Timah,Jurong,Sembawang-Woodlands and Tanjong Pagar GRCs,Bukit Panjang and Yuhua
Singapore People's Party-Ang Mo Kio,Bishan-Toa Payoh and Serangoon GRCs and Thomson
Singapore Democratic Alliance-Marine Parade and Pasir Ris-Punggol GRCs,Punggol East and Sengkang West
Socialist Front-Tanjong Pagar GRC and Bukit Merah
Reform Party-Tanjong Pagar and West Coast GRCs,Bukit Merah,Pioneer and Radin Mas
An extract taken from yoursdp.com....'Road to 2016...'
Secretary-General Chee Soon Juan spoke next and called on the volunteers and new members to build on the foundation of the Party by working the ground.
"There is no shortcut. We need to work and work hard," he said in his presentation. "We need to invest our time on the ground. We need to expend our energy. That's the only way that we are going to get things done and earn our support."
He also laid out plans for the SDP to step up its ground work in the constituencies that the Party had contested in with one addition: Tanjong Pagar GRC.
"Let us get to the ground and let us convince the people of Sembawang, Holland-Bukit Timah, Bukit Panjang, Yuhua and, if I may add, Tanjong Pagar that we are worthy of their support, worthy to be their political leaders, and worthy to be their public servants."
This would close a geographical corridor that the Democrats will be working on: from Sembawang GRC in the north, to Holland and Bukit Timah in the middle, to Tanjong Pagar in the southern part of the island.
Well isn't that fair???SDP will be contesting plans to attack Bukit Panjang and Yuhua(Jurong East),Sembawang,Holland-Bukit Timah and also to set up a new target on Tanjong Pagar GRC....!!!Perfect set-up for Dr Chee,the boss.....Besides,Buona Vista and Holland V. is much closer to Holland-Bukit Timah and that Buona Vista,Tanglin and Cairnhill has been contested by the SDP in 1988 and 1991 elections.....Isnt that fair???Then SDP may have absolute access to Orchard Rd,Chinatown,Holland V.,Queenstown,Tiong Bahru,Tanjong Pagar,etc.......KUDOS!!!!
Very fair,that SDP's now maturing,then why didnt the SDP field up a suicide squad for Tanjong Pagar GRC for this elections???At least,SDP may have absolute access from Sembawang,to Holland-Bukit Timah and also to Tanjong Pagar now!!!Then why SDP targets Bishan,now that Chiam's now in favour of it???Just leave the Bishan to the SPP as it's much closer to Potong Pasir,then if Hong Kah North is much strategic to Chua Chu Kang why the SPP doesnt want to target CCK as well???Then,if Serangoon merged up for a new GRC,I'm suggesting SPP may fight in with Sin Kek Tong as leader and he may be happy in Braddell Heights as well....Then SPP may consider allow Alex Tan to lead a young team for AMK,as further expansion sooner...
As for Jurong GRC just leave it to the NSP as well as West Coast GRC,but I'm afraid Reform may barge in for a 3-cornered fight....CCK too....As well as Hong Kah North and Pioneer for the NSP,strategics for Marine Parade,Moulmein-Kallang and Tampines....
There is no shortcut. We need to work and work hard," he said in his presentation. "We need to invest our time on the ground. We need to expend our energy. That's the only way that we are going to get things done and earn our support."
He also laid out plans for the SDP to step up its ground work in the constituencies that the Party had contested in with one addition: Tanjong Pagar GRC.
"Let us get to the ground and let us convince the people of Sembawang, Holland, Bukit Timah, Bukit Panjang, Yuhua and, if I may add, Tanjong Pagar that we are worthy of their support, worthy to be their political leaders, and worthy to be their public servants."
This would close a geographical corridor that the Democrats will be working on: from Sembawang GRC in the north, to Holland and Bukit Timah in the middle, to Tanjong Pagar in the southern part of the island.http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4831-sdp-calls-on-supporters-to-prepare-road-to-2016
Possible that Chee Soon Juan is going to take on Tanjong Pagar GRC in 2016.
No one dares to take on Tanjong Pagar GRC, scared sued by Lee Kuan Yew.
But Chee sued and jailed for so many times already, he also can't be bothered with such crap.
He is going to walk the ground in Tanjong Pajar GRC and take on Lee Kuan Yew.
Well,I don't think LKY may remain...He'll have to retire in 5 years time...
Possible scenario is that Dr Chee himself may lead the Tanjong Pagar GRC team,leaving his old Toa Payoh conquest to Benjamin Pwee himself for the SPP...Others are expected to be Gandhi Ambalam,Dr James Gomez,Francis Yong and newbie Jaslyn Go,who will be facing up with Dr Lily Neo or some newbie in Chinatown...Should Dr Chee and his dream suicide team contested the GRC,PAP may be likely to score up even better results,but percentage drop,even though this may be its first contest after both Bishan and also Holland-Bukit Timah itself...
Possible scenario for the SPP's future...
Scenario 1-It is likely that the SPP may form up two teams to contest both Bishan-Toa Payoh and also CCK as SPP has also targeted Hong Kah North and also to retrive Potong Pasir as well....if boundaries remain unchanged...
Scenario 2-Potong Pasir may be splitted up into two GRCs....And it is most apparently that a new 4-member GRC may be formed up,with the main Potong Pasir area in,as well as Serangoon Gardens,Braddell Heights and also Jalan Kayu....While Sitoh Yih Pin himself may be joining in Toa Payoh East,now that Lor 8 Toa Payoh Estate might be absorbed into the area....
Meanwhile,Lina Chiam would eventually lead the team,along with Sin Kek Tong and two newbies including Juliana Juwahir,as Serangoon GRC might be requiring a Malay candidate...Suggesting that PAP should be all-woman team to fight in....including Josephine Teo who would switch on,a woman minister who may lead,a newbie for Braddell Heights and also Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar for Jalan Kayu....
Whilst Jimmy Lee,AMK resident and also Youth Wing chief may have then along with Alex Tan may run in AMK SPP team,leading in-charge as well,even S Kunalen,as AMK GRC requires at least an Indian candidate ...Should this happens,SPP may have then contest in almost a full fledged Central area,covering AMK by the north and also Bishan,Toa Payoh,Potong Pasir and even Serangoon areas,giving the fact that Sin Kek Tong was in favour of Braddell Heights...That's 3 GRCs in a row...Meanwhile,Thomson may have then emerged out of Bishan GRC as an SMC with Hri Kumar Nair standing alone against an SPP newbie...Namely Camillia Chiam,CST's daughter...I believe SPP may have then contest in AMK,Bishan-TP and Serangoon GRCs and also Thomson SMC itself...
However WP might have then eyed Serangoon GRC,while SDP may have barge in Thomson as well...Should this happen,there could be some horse trading needed to avoid dilution of votes,especially the Tanjong Pagar GRC,in the case of both SDP and Reform Party,which may be contesting in.....And besides several opps began to eye AMK besides the SPP,except WP which indicates they would never come back again...Namely Reform Party,Socialist Front,NSP,SDA and possibly SDP....
Meanwhile,if Sin himself is much happier in Braddell Heights,that means he won't have to go as far as Hong Kah North to contest there...Just leave it to the NSP or even Reform Party too....
So here are the possible effects....
SDP-Holland-Bukit Timah,Sembawang,Tanjong Pagar and possibly Jurong GRCs,Bukit Panjang,Yuhua and possibly new SMCs of Bukit Merah,Thomson and Woodlands....
SPP-AMK,Bishan-Toa Payoh and Serangoon GRCs and Thomson
Aljunied GRC(5 member): Workers’ Party-Return of the PAP?
Ang Mo Kio-Cheng San(5 member,as Jalan Kayu may be moved out) GRC:Most likely,Singapore People’s Party or Singapore Democratic Alliance???If it's SDA,then this'll be a battle of the two Singhs!!!
Bishan – Toa Payoh GRC(5 member,prior to either the inclusion of Potong Pasir or Toa Payoh West as a new division): Singapore People’s Party AGAIN!!With Dr Ng Eng Hen vs Benjamin Pwee….
Bukit Merah SMC(new):Either Reform Party,Socialist Front or Singapore Democratic Party(parts carved out of Tanjong Pagar and West Coast GRCs)
Bukit Panjang SMC: Singapore Democratic Party EXACTLY….
Chua Chu Kang GRC(5 member): Either National Solidarity Party or Reform Party
East Coast GRC(5 member): Workers’ Party(the next Achilles Heel..Possibly,Chen Show Mao would be leading....)
Holland – Bukit Timah GRC(4 member): Singapore Democratic Party(another showdown for MEWR)…
Hong Kah North SMC:Either Reform Party or National Solidarity Party
Jurong GRC(5 member): Either National Solidarity Party or Singapore Democratic Party
Marine Parade GRC(5 member,with Joo Chiat joins and Braddell Heights may moved out): National Solidarity Party(hoping for another showdown…this time round with Tan Chuan Jin)
Moulmein – Kallang GRC(4 member):National Solidarity Party(NSP’s trying to get over it this time but ceded to WP:A very good chance for Tony and Hazel to move on)
Mountbatten SMC: Either National Solidarity Party or Socialist Front
Nee Soon GRC(5 member): Either Workers’ Party or National Solidarity Party with Cheo Chai Chen as the leader…)
Pasir Ris – Punggol GRC(expected either 5 or 6 member,if possible 5,as Punggol North may be carved out): Either Singapore Democratic Alliance or Workers’ Party…Possibly,WP with Gerald Giam as the leader….
Pioneer SMC: Either National Solidarity Party or Reform Party
Punggol East SMC: Singapore Democratic Alliance OR Workers’ Party
Punggol North SMC(new):Singapore Democratic Alliance or Workers Party or even BOTH!!!
Radin Mas SMC:Either National Solidarity Party or Reform Party or even Singapore Democratic Party
Sembawang GRC(5 member,as Woodlands may carved out as an SMC,Woodlands North might be a new division):Singapore Democratic Party AGAIN…
Sengkang West SMC: Either Workers’ Party or Singapore Democratic Alliance
Serangoon GRC(4 member-new GRC,led by a certain woman minister,Josephine Teo..Expected to be Serangoon Gardens,Braddell Heights,Jalan Kayu and either Potong Pasir or a new division):Most likely to be Singapore People’s Party as part of Potong Pasir might be absorbed in as well as Braddell Heights....
Simei(new)SMC:Either Workers’ Party or National Solidarity Party-as Simei is much closer to both Changi and Tampines
Tampines GRC(5 members): National Solidarity Party(traditional conquest..)
Tanjong Pagar GRC(5 members):Either Singapore Democratic Party,Socialist Front or Reform Party…But majority may be expecting SDP to fight in against MG Chan and his co-horts,most probably led by Dr Chee Soon Juan….
Thomson(new)SMC:Expected to be most likely Singapore People’s Party (carved out of Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC)
West Coast GRC(5 members):Either Reform Party or National Solidarity Party
Woodlands(new)SMC:Expected to be Singapore Democratic Party(out of Sembawang GRC,a new division may be formed…)
Whampoa SMC:National Solidarity Party
Yuhua SMC:Singapore Democratic Party
Take note if possible,potential 10 SPP candidates for 2 GRCs and 1 SMC....
-Camilla Chiam-Thomson
-Lina Loh-Serangoon GRC(Potong Pasir)
-Benjamin Pwee-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Toa Payoh Central)
-Wilfred Leung-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Bishan East)
-Jimmy Lee-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Toa Payoh Central)
-Alex Tan-Serangoon GRC(Serangoon Gardens)
-Sin Kek Tong-Serangoon GRC(Braddell Heights)
-Mohd Hamim-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Bishan North)
-Juliana Juwahir-Serangoon GRC(Jalan Kayu)
-David Tan-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Potong Pasir-Toa Payoh)
IMAGINE.......Benjamin Pwee vs Ng Eng Hen in Bishan-Toa Payoh,Lina Loh vs Josephine Teo in Serangoon and Camilla vs Hri Kumar in Thomson....If all had been taken by SPP or PAP,would this be a mega town council,by the name of Thomson-Toa Payoh Town Council,with Bishan-Toa Payoh,Serangoon GRCs and Thomson SMC under it??????
Aljunied GRC(5 member): Workers’ Party-Return of the PAP?
Ang Mo Kio-Cheng San(5 member,as Jalan Kayu may be moved out) GRC:Most likely,Singapore People’s Party or Singapore Democratic Alliance???If it's SDA,then this'll be a battle of the two Singhs!!!
Bishan – Toa Payoh GRC(5 member,prior to either the inclusion of Potong Pasir or Toa Payoh West as a new division): Singapore People’s Party AGAIN!!With Dr Ng Eng Hen vs Benjamin Pwee….
Bukit Merah SMC(new):Either Reform Party,Socialist Front or Singapore Democratic Party(parts carved out of Tanjong Pagar and West Coast GRCs)
Bukit Panjang SMC: Singapore Democratic Party EXACTLY….
Chua Chu Kang GRC(5 member): Either National Solidarity Party or Reform Party
East Coast GRC(5 member): Workers’ Party(the next Achilles Heel..Possibly,Chen Show Mao would be leading....)
Holland – Bukit Timah GRC(4 member): Singapore Democratic Party(another showdown for MEWR)…
Hong Kah North SMC:Either Reform Party or National Solidarity Party
Jurong GRC(5 member): Either National Solidarity Party or Singapore Democratic Party
Marine Parade GRC(5 member,with Joo Chiat joins and Braddell Heights may moved out): National Solidarity Party(hoping for another showdown…this time round with Tan Chuan Jin)
Moulmein – Kallang GRC(4 member):National Solidarity Party(NSP’s trying to get over it this time but ceded to WP:A very good chance for Tony and Hazel to move on)
Mountbatten SMC: Either National Solidarity Party or Socialist Front
Nee Soon GRC(5 member): Either Workers’ Party or National Solidarity Party with Cheo Chai Chen as the leader…)
Pasir Ris – Punggol GRC(expected either 5 or 6 member,if possible 5,as Punggol North may be carved out): Either Singapore Democratic Alliance or Workers’ Party…Possibly,WP with Gerald Giam as the leader….
Pioneer SMC: Either National Solidarity Party or Reform Party
Punggol East SMC: Singapore Democratic Alliance OR Workers’ Party
Punggol North SMC(new):Singapore Democratic Alliance or Workers Party or even BOTH!!!
Radin Mas SMC:Either National Solidarity Party or Reform Party or even Singapore Democratic Party
Sembawang GRC(5 member,as Woodlands may carved out as an SMC,Woodlands North might be a new division):Singapore Democratic Party AGAIN…
Sengkang West SMC: Either Workers’ Party or Singapore Democratic Alliance
Serangoon GRC(4 member-new GRC,led by a certain woman minister,Josephine Teo..Expected to be Serangoon Gardens,Braddell Heights,Jalan Kayu and either Potong Pasir or a new division):Most likely to be Singapore People’s Party as part of Potong Pasir might be absorbed in as well as Braddell Heights....
Simei(new)SMC:Either Workers’ Party or National Solidarity Party-as Simei is much closer to both Changi and Tampines
Tampines GRC(5 members): National Solidarity Party(traditional conquest..)
Tanjong Pagar GRC(5 members):Either Singapore Democratic Party,Socialist Front or Reform Party…But majority may be expecting SDP to fight in against MG Chan and his co-horts,most probably led by Dr Chee Soon Juan….
Thomson(new)SMC:Expected to be most likely Singapore People’s Party (carved out of Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC)
West Coast GRC(5 members):Either Reform Party or National Solidarity Party
Woodlands(new)SMC:Expected to be Singapore Democratic Party(out of Sembawang GRC,a new division may be formed…)
Whampoa SMC:National Solidarity Party
Yuhua SMC:Singapore Democratic Party
Take note if possible,potential 10 SPP candidates for 2 GRCs and 1 SMC....
-Camilla Chiam-Thomson
-Lina Loh-Serangoon GRC(Potong Pasir)
-Benjamin Pwee-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Toa Payoh Central)
-Wilfred Leung-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Bishan East)
-Jimmy Lee-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Toa Payoh Central)
-Alex Tan-Serangoon GRC(Serangoon Gardens)
-Sin Kek Tong-Serangoon GRC(Braddell Heights)
-Mohd Hamim-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Bishan North)
-Juliana Juwahir-Serangoon GRC(Jalan Kayu)
-David Tan-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Potong Pasir-Toa Payoh)
IMAGINE.......Benjamin Pwee vs Ng Eng Hen in Bishan-Toa Payoh,Lina Loh vs Josephine Teo in Serangoon and Camilla vs Hri Kumar in Thomson....If all had been taken by SPP or PAP,would this be a mega town council,by the name of Thomson-Toa Payoh Town Council,with Bishan-Toa Payoh,Serangoon GRCs and Thomson SMC under it????
Aljunied GRC(5 member): Workers’ Party-Return of the PAP?
Ang Mo Kio-Cheng San(5 member,as Jalan Kayu may be moved out) GRC:Most likely,Singapore People’s Party or Singapore Democratic Alliance???If it's SDA,then this'll be a battle of the two Singhs!!!
Bishan – Toa Payoh GRC(5 member,prior to either the inclusion of Potong Pasir or Toa Payoh West as a new division): Singapore People’s Party AGAIN!!With Dr Ng Eng Hen vs Benjamin Pwee….
Bukit Merah SMC(new):Either Reform Party,Socialist Front or Singapore Democratic Party(parts carved out of Tanjong Pagar and West Coast GRCs)
Bukit Panjang SMC: Singapore Democratic Party EXACTLY….
Chua Chu Kang GRC(5 member): Either National Solidarity Party or Reform Party
East Coast GRC(5 member): Workers’ Party(the next Achilles Heel..Possibly,Chen Show Mao would be leading....)
Holland – Bukit Timah GRC(4 member): Singapore Democratic Party(another showdown for MEWR)…
Hong Kah North SMC:Either Reform Party or National Solidarity Party
Jurong GRC(5 member): Either National Solidarity Party or Singapore Democratic Party
Marine Parade GRC(5 member,with Joo Chiat joins and Braddell Heights may moved out): National Solidarity Party(hoping for another showdown…this time round with Tan Chuan Jin)
Moulmein – Kallang GRC(4 member):National Solidarity Party(NSP’s trying to get over it this time but ceded to WP:A very good chance for Tony and Hazel to move on)
Mountbatten SMC: Either National Solidarity Party or Socialist Front
Nee Soon GRC(5 member): Either Workers’ Party or National Solidarity Party with Cheo Chai Chen as the leader…)
Pasir Ris – Punggol GRC(expected either 5 or 6 member,if possible 5,as Punggol North may be carved out): Either Singapore Democratic Alliance or Workers’ Party…Possibly,WP with Gerald Giam as the leader….
Pioneer SMC: Either National Solidarity Party or Reform Party
Punggol East SMC: Singapore Democratic Alliance OR Workers’ Party
Punggol North SMC(new):Singapore Democratic Alliance or Workers Party or even BOTH!!!
Radin Mas SMC:Either National Solidarity Party or Reform Party or even Singapore Democratic Party
Sembawang GRC(5 member,as Woodlands may carved out as an SMC,Woodlands North might be a new division):Singapore Democratic Party AGAIN…
Sengkang West SMC: Either Workers’ Party or Singapore Democratic Alliance
Serangoon GRC(4 member-new GRC,led by a certain woman minister,Josephine Teo..Expected to be Serangoon Gardens,Braddell Heights,Jalan Kayu and either Potong Pasir or a new division):Most likely to be Singapore People’s Party as part of Potong Pasir might be absorbed in as well as Braddell Heights....
Simei(new)SMC:Either Workers’ Party or National Solidarity Party-as Simei is much closer to both Changi and Tampines
Tampines GRC(5 members): National Solidarity Party(traditional conquest..)
Tanjong Pagar GRC(5 members):Either Singapore Democratic Party,Socialist Front or Reform Party…But majority may be expecting SDP to fight in against MG Chan and his co-horts,most probably led by Dr Chee Soon Juan….
Thomson(new)SMC:Expected to be most likely Singapore People’s Party (carved out of Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC)
West Coast GRC(5 members):Either Reform Party or National Solidarity Party
Woodlands(new)SMC:Expected to be Singapore Democratic Party(out of Sembawang GRC,a new division may be formed…)
Whampoa SMC:National Solidarity Party
Yuhua SMC:Singapore Democratic Party
Take note if possible,potential 10 SPP candidates for 2 GRCs and 1 SMC....
-Camilla Chiam-Thomson
-Lina Loh-Serangoon GRC(Potong Pasir)
-Benjamin Pwee-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Toa Payoh Central)
-Wilfred Leung-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Bishan East)
-Jimmy Lee-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Toa Payoh Central)
-Alex Tan-Serangoon GRC(Serangoon Gardens)
-Sin Kek Tong-Serangoon GRC(Braddell Heights)
-Mohd Hamim-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Bishan North)
-Juliana Juwahir-Serangoon GRC(Jalan Kayu)
-David Tan-Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC(Potong Pasir-Toa Payoh)
IMAGINE.......Benjamin Pwee vs Ng Eng Hen in Bishan-Toa Payoh,Lina Loh vs Josephine Teo in Serangoon and Camilla vs Hri Kumar in Thomson....If all had been taken by SPP or PAP,would this be a mega town council,by the name of Thomson-Toa Payoh Town Council,with Bishan-Toa Payoh,Serangoon GRCs and Thomson SMC under it??????