hey all! year 2 ngee ann student here studying Aerospace Electronics. =P
Anyone going to the laptop sales from now till 13th March? After buying
your lappy and setting your admin stuff, be sure to check out the orientation camp
booths at the Convention Centre Level 1 (turn left after entering one of
the many doors) and sign up for
1. Electronics and Computer Engineering Freshman Bonding Camp (ECE FBC) (for students in AE, BME, ECE, NSS freshies) and
2. Ngee Ann Poly Student Union Freshmen Orientation Camp (NPSU FOC) (for all Ngee Ann freshies)
Or alternatively, you can sign up thru online forms:
2. NPSU FOC, SSC Sports Camp, Arts Camp
3. Engineering Science (ES) Camp
Do come for these awesome and exciting camps to make new friends and have fun!
Sorry realised that the 2nd and 3rd link isint working..
NPSU FOC, SSC Sports Camp, Arts Camp: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?pli=1&formkey=dElDN0doQzNVY2hqQmxSNlJ4TkxTUEE6MA#gid=0
Engineering Science (ES) Camp: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?pli=1&formkey=dDdfVUZzVllMaWNVNTFDbnIyMWpNZGc6MA#gid=0