So I just got an sms this morning at 6.19am.
And I'm posted to my tenth choice - Nursing!
I need some seniors or someone who is experience to tell me is this course really good? (I'm a male btw)
Is the career prospects good?
What's the salary for a Nurse?
Is it true that you can be a doctor if you work really hard in this course?
PLEASE help me! If not I'm gonna appeal its only until 21st Feb 08. T.T
gd la.
a lot of chio bu.
somemore it is the only course in np which do not need laptop (u save money $$$$)
you will be some sort of medic in your ns life.
Alot of chio bu yea!!!
As for the doctor prospect, i seriously don't think so. You might not get into Degree in medicine even your gpa is 4(correct me if i'm wrong).
Being a nurse requires alot of caring and mental strength as well, if you are not prepared so, i would suggest you change course.
.......Other than Pretty-girls-thingy(ZZzz), are the people in this course some sort of insane people or what, coz the COP are always the HIGHEST.
OMG, so the doctor prospect is false one? Coz, i read from NP web they say can qualify for entry into Nursing, Medicine & Dentistry Degree courses in NUS lehh.. Btw, I got 17 points should I appeal ma? T.T
Btw, thanks for all replies, I appreciate that!@
We joked and teased a lot about nursing for guys....gonna wash hell lot of ballz, man!
But seriously, it's a very honourable profession and I have an uncle who was a head nurse (no, he didn't sleep with any...or at least I dunno...) who managed to support his kids to school through became a doctor, another a businessman, etc...
Whether the job in interesting or not, it depends on you. Some curse and swear when they were sent to Maritime Mgt...job attachement was crap...but in the end, they become ship traders doing very well in life....
Another did real estate mgt and joined some big time property developer....
To succeed in life, luck plays an important factor. But it cannot be controlled by you. What you can do to control your destiny is, to to have perserverence, determination, knowing your strenghts and weaknesses, and doing something about it.
And end of the day, you have to enjoy what you do. If you are not getting it, then you must find way to get it.
P.S. You only live once, so dun waste time bitching about it.
Noted. But, what's ur uncle's current salary, may I ask?
Originally posted by !!LeonaLewisRox!!:Noted. But, what's ur uncle's current salary, may I ask?
From what i know, a nurse's salary also depends on his/her job grade.
Your salary increases annually but it has a cap limit to each job grade. But of course the cap increases as you get promoted.
But it will be competitive even in nursing as they are taking in more less-paid yet just as qualified nurses from overseas.
Originally posted by !!LeonaLewisRox!!:.......Other than Pretty-girls-thingy(ZZzz), are the people in this course some sort of insane people or what, coz the COP are always the HIGHEST.
OMG, so the doctor prospect is false one? Coz, i read from NP web they say can qualify for entry into Nursing, Medicine & Dentistry Degree courses in NUS lehh.. Btw, I got 17 points should I appeal ma? T.T
didn't it says Medicine?
But seriously what do you want out of life?
Noted. But, what's ur uncle's current salary, may I ask?
The question is, how much do you want to earn?
Every job has a scale. If you are not the top, you won't get the top. You are still a student, so be hardworking and focus.
A rubbish collector apparently has lower wages then his/her boss.
Doing nursing also doesn't mean you will be stucked being a nurse. You can work in pharmaceutical industry, be a purchase of a health group, etc...the point is, you options are not limited. However, to have that MANY OPTIONS, you must have the relevent salt to prove yourself.
Moreover, it's just your first dip. There are deg that you might wish to pursue. Maybe in your ideal course in the near future, when you are financially stable. And that deg may or may not be related to nursing.
Point is, dun regret. In order to avoid that, give your best 100% of your time. It's worth it.
Good luck.
One question to ask yourself - Do you like Nursing course and working in Healthcare sector in future.
Thanks for all your replies, right now what troubles me is, it has the highest COP among all the Polytechnic courses in Singapore - 28 points.
Does that meant that it is a lousy course or what? Coz, I got 17 points and there is lotsa other course I can choose from but are mainly doing with engineering or computers which i find it very boring.
28 COP is it meant that there'll be lotsa bad students in this course who have no where to go and they just randomly picked this. I'm afraid of studying with bad students coz I'm easily influence (I think so) and afraid that it'll mar my Poly life too.
Yes you can study medicine if your grades at nursing course are good. Of course, they dont look at just grades. They look at your other achievements and your interview as well.
Is there any criteria? I visited the site but can't get really good info about it.
28 COP is it meant that there'll be lotsa bad students in this course who have no where to go and they just randomly picked this. I'm afraid of studying with bad students coz I'm easily influence (I think so) and afraid that it'll mar my Poly life too.
It's funny how you equate COP to 'good' and 'bad' student. So 'bad' student means they will kill and rob one day??? Then our mr. policemen must be so sengnang....every year just get result slips from school can tell who are the crooks liao!!!! haahah...
On a slightly more serious note, certain job requires passion, practical skills and good moral ethics, while academic skill and knowledge can be acquired with on-the-job training and periodic test.
Thus, for nursing, it's not that nursing is more for people with low COP. What it means is that more people with high to low COP can apply for the course.
This world is fairly predicable. Regardless of where you are, only the top will be celebrated. So, dun screw up. If you do not have the passion to take care of people ('O' level can never be able to guage you on that), please choose other courses.
The reason why I chose JC over poly was this exact same reason - I dunno what I want, so I prolong making hard decision by going to JC lor!!!! kekekke...
Even if you take nursing eventually, you can still change your career path, develop other interests, pursue other courses, etc...first mover has just delay yours.
Gambate Kudasai!
Have not seen any nurses become a doctor, but have seen nurses become clinician nurses (or nurse clinicians, whichever is the right one). Their job is similar to a doctor, but there are differences. I can't recall the differences now. If you are interested, just go any hospital and ask.
You get to change soiled sheets and bath the male patient...
Thanks for all the advice and encouragement. So, I think I'll go for choosing. Afterall, I don't think it's a boring course.
I've one question in mind, is it easy to get into local university for poly graduates? From what I've heard is only the top 5% from each course, is it true?
Top 5% is about 2 to 3 years ago. Scheme changed liao, but still need to do well to enter. More than 10% of poly graduates should be able to enter uni now.
Uhh, i see. Thanks :D